Of Nutmeg

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Tubbo watches Tommy shuffle his wings intently, he's still figuring out how to read the body language the limbs add. He always thought Tommy was easy to read but with how little control the dragon hybrid has on his wings they're a new source of information. Though, luckily, Tubbo's time with Mellohi seems to have given him an advantage in this.

If he's really honest with himself, he also just likes looking at the feathery wings, the shean on their feathers and the star-map made of scales lining them. Of course, it's not just that. He likes looking at them because it assures him that everything is as it should be, Tommy's not trapping himself in a form that should hardly be used (anymore). The only issue with them is just... Tommy seems to have an issue with them still.

It makes sense, don't get him wrong. He knows he shouldn't expect years of hiding to just- disappear. It's just that, they're dragon wings! They're so cool and every movement, every word feels more genuine when they're not trapped beneath a coat.

It seems like whenever Tommy starts to get used to letting them be free a knock on the door or a crow with an invitation to hang out in its beak hide the wings away all over again. It's not fair but he's scared that pushing it will only make it worse.

No matter, Tubbo talked with Ranboo a night or two ago and they both agreed that it's strange. Besides, he doesn't have to push- it's worth just asking, right? 

"Hey, Tommy?"

The dragon hybrid turns to him with a hum, his focus finally leaving the journal on the counter (Tubbo reminds himself to thank Techno for giving Tommy the idea of writing his thoughts down later).

"What is it?"

"What would you say to telling more people about your secret? Like- maybe Niki or somthing"

Tommy narrows his eyes at the goat hybrid as if trying to see if it's some sort of trick.

"What? Why the hell would I do that"

"Wellllll, for starters she's been coming over more often lately"


"And we've been hanging out with the sbi a lot"

"..... that's true"

"And you don't seem able to keep any other forms for very long"

Tommy's wings fold themselves closer against his body, revealing a swaying tail  as he scrunches up his nose. Tubbo wonders if he's already pushing to far, wishing Ranboo was awake to help him out (not really, the enderman hybrid hasn't been getting enough sleep lately, he's allowed to sleep in for once).


"Well, I'm just thinking that it will make things a lot easier if you don't have to keep hiding it."

" maybe for you but I think you're forgetting I've been hiding this for years, big man. I can handle a few weeks while my magic recharges"

Tommy turns back to the counter he was crouched over the entire morning, his feathers puffing up defensively. Tubbo frowns, biting back the initial instinct to deny it in favor of somthing the blond won't be able to argue against.

" I know you can handle it, I just don't think you should. Neither does Ranboo, from the sound of it"

The feathers that just puffed up almost imediatly lose some of their volume, Tubbo decides that's a sign to continue.

"I understand that you are used to dealing with this specific thing by yourself but you're not alone anymore"

Tommy huffs dismissively, wordlessly contributing to the conversation . Tubbo decides to just cut to the chase.

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