Gossip can sometimes be a valid source.

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By the time Tubbo wakes up he can already feel the sun warming his face and hear two voices from the kitchen. Tommy seems to be complaining about spilling something on his gray skirt when he knows full well that he has plenty of time before work and could probably just change. Maybe, Tubbo doesn't know how late it is but since the blond doesn't sound like Ranboo is pushing him out the door this very minute, he probably hastime. Tubbo stretches, careful not to accidentally kick anything that could be sleeping there.

Sure enough one hoof presses against something warm that gives a sleepy squeak that proves to Tubbo that Micheal is indeed asleep on the bed with him. Though needing to take caution with stretching is nothing new. If it wasn't Michael, like it is today, Tommy and Ranboo often like to curl up with him protectively if their instincts get bad (or they just want to cuddle).

He basks in the sun filtering from his window and the warmth of the cat pressed against his foot for a moment before hearing the sounds of stools moving around rise from the kitchen and realizing that he should probably get up sometime today. He slides out of his bee themed bedding and goes to say goodbye to Tommy with Michael at his heels.

Tommy sees him in the doorway and waves with a slight flinch, Tubbo's been worried about him lately. He leaves every night and returns with tons of small but still worrying scrapes and bruises and he seems endlessly sore. Tubbo gives a gentle hug when the taller hybrid bends down to pet Michael to express his concern silently before deciding to express it out loud too, just in case.

"Goodbye, have a good day and be carefull"

"Ok, 'mom' "

Tubbo wrinkles his nose to show his displeasure with the joke before letting the enderman leave and making his own way to where his smoothie sits in wait. He gives Ranboo a silent greeting before drinking, watching Ranboo sneak Michael a piece of leftover chicken from the fridge with a friendly flick of his tail and Michael scamper off with it in his mouth. Ranboo watches the cat go with a pleased smile and a slowly swaying tail until Tubbo yawns and begins to wash up the trio's cups.

"So, what do you have planned for today 'boo?"

"Hm, I don't know, I was thinking of helping out at the bakery or doing some job board stuff"

The tone in his voice expresses a very clear bias and Tubbo knows that despite how much he jokes that Ranboo is a workaholic he knows it's more about the enderman feeling like he spent too long unable to do anything productive then money right now anyway. He wonders if Ranboo even knows that he speaks about the bakery with such fondness with the way he seems to think that he can't let himself do a job that can really only spare a bit of money or some baked goods.The goat hybrid sighs, guessing that he probably needs to voice his opinion if he doesn't want Ranboo coming home with his pitiful little face he does if he doesn't do something even though he wanted to.

"You should help at the bakery then, I bet Niki would like that"

He knows he said the right thing when Ranboo smiles and immediately stands.

"Yeah, I bet she will- there are still some tourists lingering around town too so she probably needs it too!"

"Go ahead big man... just make it home by dinner or I'll cut off your legs"

"I will, I will!"

Tubbo smiles fondly as he watches Ranboo hurry and get himself ready to help at the bakery. Michael renters the room and jumps up onto the counter without so much as a scold, spoiled bastard. Tubbo gives him a pet and lets Ranboo leave. He gives Michael scratches on his head before picking him up and returning to his room to get ready for the day. He puts on overalls over an orange shirt and a sun hat, deciding to fully take on the lone farm boy aesthetic he's been told he has (even if he usually denies it) today. He lets Michael climb into the pocket on his overalls and heads to the small backyard they have.

It's as full of potted plants as it can be while still allowing him to walk around and tend them. It's fall so it's almost time to harvest and begin to can or dry what he needs to but nothing seems quite ready, except a single zucchini that he washes up and puts on the counter. He wonders if Ranboo could give it to Niki to use for her zucchini chocolate chip oat cookies, things that taste a lot better than the main ingredients and health factor would lead you to believe (especially when frozen).

He waters and weeds the rest of plants, Michael wiggling free to chase after a butterfly half way through. By the time he's done there isn't that much time before he would start heading to pick up Tommy so he starts walking once he's sure dirt isn't still stuck to his hands. He hums to himself as he walks through the plaza, much quieter than a few days ago with the tourists mostly beginning to return home or continue to the bigger citys to do some sightseeing. As he passes the bakery he sees Ranboo taking out the garbage and waves at him.

He finds a seat on the edge of the fountain in front of the inn and waits for Tommy, reflecting on how much he cares about his friends and what his life would be like without them. It's not an uncommon thought and it always ends up with the same conclusion, he would never give up any of his friends, even if it cost him the roof over his head , his garden or his dreams. He knows for a fact they would do the same.

He makes sure to stop the unnecessary thoughts as Tommy leaves the inn with a frown.Ready to comfort the taller boy but, luckily, Tommy's face easily morphs into a smile as Tubbo rushes to greet him. He takes his hand and the duo begins to head their way back to the house

"So what have you been doing without the biggest man this time?"

Tubbo scoffs

" I've been working on the garden since Ranboo left to help Niki thanks for asking"

Implying that Ranboo is a bigger man earns Tubbo a shove

"What about you? How was work"

"Augh most of it was fine except this one bitch who claimed that he should be able to just pay more than the other people in the inn and kick them out of their rooms just so that he can have three rooms next to each other"

Tubbo opens his mouth to offer sympathy before freezing with a flick of his ear as he overhears a passing conversation between a spider monkey and cat hybrid.

" I swear, It was a dragon! Could have killed me if Dave and Dustin didn't show up!"

"Really?! You're certain it wasnt that old griffin?"

"Definitely, couldn't see it that well but aint no griffin gonna sound or look like that"

Ignoring both Tommy's strange expression and the hand that moves to try and stop him, Tubbo rushes towards the monkey hybrid.

"There wasa dragon here?!"

Last time there was a dragon it was a small emerald green beast that Tubbo tried so hard to track down only for it to be tamed by a traveler who had been tracking it across a multitude of towns. Perhaps he finally had a chance.

"Aye! Big beasty with bright blue eyes and sharp teeth"

The monkey eagerly retells his story to the bright-eyed boy, how he and his buddies heard a huge thud when he was over for dinner and how when he climbed up to investigate he saw a huge creature that flew away into the night. Tubbo absorbs every word and asks tons of questions without regard to the increasingly strange warbles he knows are from Tommy until the monkey hybrid's boyfriend drags him off with an apologetic smile and some sort of excuse about someone waiting for them.

Tubbo immediately turns to Tommy, ready to berate him with excited plans to find the other people who saw the dragon only for it to fizzle out at the sight of the taller boy's bad attempt at squashing down anxiety. Tubbo has no idea what's wrong but decides to just give the enderman hybrid a side hug and go home .

A real dragon in Snowchester, could it really be true?

He hopes it is.

(hm, I dont really know what this chapter is but i hope you like it. I has fun writing it )

s but I do really enjoy them all!) 

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