Speedrunning being the best

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Tubbo wakes up to a large hand gently shaking his shoulder, his nose scrunches up in displeasure as he's torn from his dream and he bleats in annoyance as the hand prevents him from curling up further. A familiar voice speaks gibberish to him, softly laughing as the goat hybrid tries to shrug them off. He can't help himself but smile softly at the sound. Half asleep and grumpy or not the members of his 'herd' practically scream safety to his instincts. (Although two endermen hybrids, a dragon and a goat hybrid aren't a normal herd by any means)


His face returns to a frown as he opens his eyes, glaring at the too bright room around him and hoping it's aimed at Ranboo

"Fuck off "

He closes his eyes again and turns over with a flick of his ear, ready for Ranboo to get the message and let him go back to sleep.

"Tubbo you have to-"

"I said fuck off rANboo"

Unfortunately he's not at home in his bed with nothing to do and instead of being left alone the unfamiliar soft and clean comforter is lifted off the poor boy with a single movement.

Tubbo's body springs to life just to sit up so he can stare Ranboo down with a look that could kill. He glares at the familiar face until harsh brightness dims into the black and white form he expects. Annoyance at being woken up boils in his chest until his eyes register green walls  where wood would be.

The angry energy ebs away until only a soft nervousness remains. As he slowly realizes what the white blankets without the wear he's used to and unfamiliar walls mean, his ears pin themselves to the side of his head. He lets his eyes drift from the other hybrid and scans the room until he's fully able to understand again.

His gaze returns to Ranboo's concerned expression as any remaining sleepiness fades.

He slides off his bed with a quiet noise of nervousness as where he is and why he's there becomes information his brain is willing to actually tell him.

"What time is it?"

His voice is heavy with sleep and scared of the answer, scared it could be too late.

"It's only nine but I didn't think you wanted to wake up too late"

Tubbo feels his body visibly relax, he still has hours before he needs to be ready.

"Yeah, for sure boss man"

He sifts through the duffel bag until he finds his clothes for the day while Ranboo busies himself with remaking the bed despite knowing how innes clean bedding themselves thanks to Tommy>

" we should probably head down and get Mellohi then some food now, right? Then I might try to find somewhere to practice"

Ranboo hums in agreement before starting to wonder aloud if the sandwich shop near the entrance of town is as good as it looks and if it's open while Tubbo gets dressed behind the curtain in the closet.

The differences from home are so loud nothing feels quite real yet it's undeniably so.
Tubbo isn't sure if going down to the stables to pick up Mellohi makes that feeling better or worse.

The stables are much larger than he thought they were when he first saw them in the dim light of evening and more importantly more than horses accompany mellohi.

When he first walks into the network of fencing and rooftops Mellohi is the first face to greet him, his feathers fluffed up in a manner not unlike a cat that got scared by a spider. The dragon's size is almost doubled and he immediately presses himself closer to the gate at the sight of the familiar figures.

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