Character descriptions of the biggins

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You can skip this if you don't want character descriptions or world building outside of actual chapters but might clear some things up

Ok so first, forms- all forms have different presentations depending on each individual.

Common- a mixture between the two species making up a person's build, it has no side effects.

Firstplace- the most human a person can make themselves look despite not being human. Causes a build up in magic that makes the individual loose their appetite, be hyperactive and often causes horrible nightmares. Comes with the growing feeling of something under your skin.

Secondplace- the least human, ranging from a person with a animal head to a full rabbit without a single human trait. This form causes extreme hunger in the individual due to a exert of magic as well as dizzy spells (and the use of magic may prevent the individual from changing form until given a source of magic). The individual also has a harder time controlling instincts.


Tubbo is a shorter hybrid with fluffy brown hair that covers his eyes half of the time. He's a goat hybrid with semi-goat-shaped fluffy legs, a small tail , long floppy ears and small nose when he's in his "common form". The form that doesn't drain energy and shows a mixture of a hyrbid's genetics.

His firstplace form is almost fully human, only having the small horns and tail left over but due to this his secondplace form (the form with the most animal traits) still is anthropomorphic despite being shorter and much more goat.


Ranboo is a tall mf. His common form is very human in shape other than his longer arms and legs, tail and cow-like ears. He has one red eye one green one and his skin is split black and white down the middle with green and purple freckles that glow in the dark. His skin gets red and irritated when touched with water but it doesn't hurt him, he also has a thin tail ending in a plume or black hair.

His firstplace form is completely human in shape and has green eyes however his hair stays it's unnatural half and half, his freckles are still green, some patches of tough black and white skin remain and the tail refuses to even grow smaller. His secondplace form is even taller, by two feet. His hands become meaty and claw like and his half and half skin becomes slightly fuzzy. His eyes and freckles turn purple and his mouth becomes somewhat horrifying. He can teleport in this form and water harms him.


Tommy is somewere in between the heights of both of his roommates, his common form has fluffy blond hair contrasting against bright purple horns and dark purple feathers. The feathers are strewn through his hair and growls along patches on his skin. He also has long cow-like ears coated in tiny feathers. His eyes are a bright blue and he has large feathered wings on his back (other than the scales in between folds on the underside and a spined tail. He is never in common form unless he's asleep or certain he's alone.

His firstplace form is used instead of his common. In his firstplace form he appears similar to an enderman hybrid (he uses it as his coverup). The patches of feathers along his body become dark purple skin and his tail thins into a feathered tip. His ears stay cow-like and his eyes glow purple in the dark despite appearing blue. His secondary form is used much more secretly than his common, he won the lottery as in he can become a fully formed, albeit small (for a dragon mans still huge) feathered enderdragon. He can use blue dragons breath and fly.

He's a dark purple dragon with bright blue eyes. He's shaped like a common European dragon with cow like ears, long horns, a spined tail, large claws, a scales underbelly and bat like wings. The only difference is that scales are only present on the underbelly, around his eyes and the underside of his wings. All scales are black with specks of purples and golds that glow, creating the illusion of stars. His horns are a brighter semi-clear purple with a soft glow. He also has a mass of fluffy feathers around the back of his neck. The sounds he can make are similar to a cat (both big and small)

Mild Spoilerwarning


Wilbur is a piglin hybrid with boar like traits. In common form he has bushy brown hair, yellow eyes, tusks and a boar like head with hooves on his feet.

His firstplace form is only slightly shorter than his common form and looks completely human sans his tusks and ears. His secondplace form isn't very much more boar than his common, the rest of his body starts to match the browns and stripes of his head. His body shape becomes more hunched and his hair becomes more mane like.


Friend is Wilbur's dragon. Friend is a long slender blue dragon with extremely smooth blue scales forming a gradient and rounded eyes. His nose is almost white and his tail is slightly lighter than navy. His wings have a semi-transparent blue membrane on his wings that connect to the sides of his body rather than being detached. He has ram like horns and reptilian ears. He sings a birdsong and is the fastest and most agile species. His face is slender and crocodilian.


Wilbur's twin brother. His hair is naturally pink in all of his forms and in common and secondary he has pink fur. His common form is only human in shape and head as that the rest of his body, his feet and his tail are covered in pink fur and hooves. His neck fades into a human head.

His firstplace form has long pink hair and hooved feet but the rest of him appears human. Secondplace form is much taller than his other forms as well as his brother, much broader and hunched full piglin other than the non-grey eyes.


Steve is Techno's dragon. His scales are large and defined with blue on the underside. His whole body is a stark white and he has a broad flat face. There is short fur under each scale. He has large black eyes and spines along the back of the neck and head. Spikes are Chrystal like (somewhat like a icewing front wings of fire visually. on all of his neck other than the underside as well as along the outline of his wings(wich double as arms)His body is broad and built limiter to a bear, his tail is also short for a dragon and rounded at the end. Can fly but struggles with it, best at brute strength.


Phil is regrettably almost human in a world made up of almost completely hybrid. He only has a single form, human with black feathers along his cheeks, back and arms and talon like feet. It contrasts nicely with his blue eyes, pale skin and super long blond hair.


Phil's bird, ironically less feathered than an enderdragon (black feathers only on the bird like wings and the tail feathers ) and the body is a pale green other than a heart like red and black marking on the chest , round black nose and the black feathers. It's feet are more like talons than most dragon and although not slender, broad or tall has the largest wingspan. Is named something cooler but the nickname stuck to both the rider and the audience.

Other characters will appear but like these are the big ones I really NEED to keep myself on track with. After all I only post this in case you want to see it since the characters are so different then other versions of the characters but it's really for me lol, all my new story wips have one for the characters. I have too many hybrid wips and headcanons I'm attached to for each story to not mix them up sometimes. 

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