Friendly neighborhood tour guide

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Tubbo wakes up with an immediate sense of excitement. He climbs out of bed and begins getting ready. He agreed to show the sbi around town and (as long as he's able to avoid taking them to their house ) he's looking forward to showing off his hometown. That and he hasn't really been present there for awhile now, he's curious if Snowchester changed at all. Knowing the town, probably not, but still.

He pulls a new hood over his head, a pale blue one that had been a welcome surprise from Phil when he was still staying with the . It has the silhouette of a dragon in white across the back and it's pretty cool in his opinion. That being said, he's surprised that Phil brought back all of the stuff he had left with them. Aka everything that wasn't in the original old duffel bag that had been sitting in Crowza's saddle for ages. It sure was a pain to convince techno not to help them carry anything.

He smiles to himself as he washes his face, brushing his hair and noting that he looks a lot less like he's about to crumple up and blow away than when he checked his apprenante before they first saw Niki after getting back. Even better, the two end hybrids talking idly in the kitchen seem to have actually gotten good food and sleep for enough days to (mostly) return to their usual vibrancy.

"Hey, guys!"

Tubbo ignores the selfish part of him that blooms as Ranboo and Tommy's faces brighten at the sound of his voice. The feathers coating Tommy's wings even ruffle pleasantly as the goat hybrid sits down besides him.

"Hey, Tubster."

"Good morning, Tubbo." 

" 'morning!"

Tubbo's legs kick gently against his table, smiling as the taller boys laugh fondly before Ranboo slides Tubbo one of the three egg sandwiches he's been working on. The goat hybrid takes it eagerly, it's nothing special but thanks to Niki's help Ranboo can make food that's a lot more edible (and healthy, here they thought Niki would have been happy to know they were having smoothies every day but apparently they 'don't have enough protein' for every single day).

"Someone's in a good mood"

"Yeah! Gonna show the sbi around town"

"Oh yeah, I remember you saying something or other about that"

"When are they expecting you?"

Tubbo shrugs.

"They just said 'after breakfast' so I assume around noon. Most of the time they don't get ready for stuff on time unless it's to do with racing"

"It's 'cuz Wilbur spends so damn long on his hair every time!"

Tubbo almost chokes on his food, caught off guard by the blond's remark (and slightly irritated by the hybrid not bothering to finish chewing before making it) .

" Really? I always assumed it was Techno's fancy clothes"

"Well, I guess it could be both but you'd be surprised. Wil's a real self absorbed prick"

"Hmm, guess I shouldn't be too suprised. That seems in character"

" you bet! He was all he talked about, honestly"

Tubbo feels his expression soften despite his amusement. In all honesty while he was angry at first, Tubbo's glad that Wilbur found Tommy's secret. Even if the dragon hybrid ended up pushing it too far eventually, Tubbo's glad he could take breaks. He's grateful that Tommy had someone to talk to despite it not being him. Not that he's planning to tell either Tommy or Wilbur that but still. Plus ever since that reveal went over well he's noticed Tommy be much more relaxed around the topic of the sbi.

Their laughter naturally tapers off, leaving only a pleasant buzz and the sound of Ranboo moving his chair in the air. They grow quiet while they eat, thinking about the sbi.... Or at least Tubbo's thinking about their guests. Who knows what his brothers are thinking about (if they even think, haha).

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