Dimly lit room

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Ranboo isn't someone who often gets nightmares. Usually if something is stressing them out that much they just can't sleep. Nightmares are more Tommy's thing and even then it's been a long time (as far as Ranboo knows anyway).

Despite that the enderman hybrid still finds himself with wide eyes in the dark, sitting on his bed with a slight tremble threatening his usually steady hands. The name he screamed into empty streets just stifled before it escaped his mouth.

Images he doesn't know how their brain came up with refuse to leave their ghostly place in front of his eyes. An empty room, an empty town, a huge score in the earth filled with smoldering feathers. He takes a shaky breath, reminding his lashing tail that none of those images where memories. None of it was from real life. Except for the empty room, a crumpled blanket no longer resembling the shape of a person in the light of the day.

A still house, looking far too calm. Breathing in air that's oddly stale. A sticky note gathering dust. A repeated, apologetic, confession echoed throughout an entire town.

Feeling lost, feeling alone. Wanting to curl up around the people that call his heart home.

Uncertainty and dread. Fearing what every person who walked up to him might have said. Not knowing which is worse, never finding anything at all or finding something that hurt.

A letter. A feather. A note. A cry. A room.

Ranboo pulls themselves to their feet. The enderman hybrid tries to shake off the fear reignited by his own head. He walks over to the room in his dreams, dreading what's inside. He tells himself that all he has to do is see the dragon hybrid's safe inside.

The bed is empty.

Ranboo tries not to panic. None of them have been sleeping lately but his instincts are quick to assume the worst. For a second the empty bed just reinforces all of his fears.

Before they can get too worked up the hybrid tries to take a deep breath, going through a mental list of other places to check. But the list keeps getting hijacked, places like the deck being placed as just as likely as lying in a ditch somewhere (dead).

He bites back a distressed warble, trying to reason with their own mind. By the time he's actually able to get his feet to move Ranboo's worked themselves up into a panic. In a last ditch effort for comfort Ranboo takes a sharp turn and practically bursts into Tubbo's room.

They almost collapse as a wave of relief washes over them. On the small bed, Tubbo is wrapped precariously in blankets. Pinned underneath the goat hybrid is a familiar glossy wing, belonging to the blond boy pressed into the wall with a sleepily but uncomfortable expression. Moonlight kisses the air enough to let Ranboo's eyes easily drink in the sight.

Ranboo sighs, feeling a fond smile make its way onto his face. All the panic of before has calmed to a quiet smolder in his chest as he moved to leave before huffing. The enderman hybrid does not have the willpower to cast himself out into his lonely room.

Instead of leaving he goes to the crowded bed and gently takes Tubbo into his arms. The goat hybrid hardly stirs, only twitching his nose in response to the contact. He walks back to his room with a pleased warble, laying the shorter hybrid down meat the edge of his bed. He hopes Tubbo won't just roll off as he returns to the other boy's room.

He reaches a clawed hand twords the (now much calmer) blond. He tries to mentally calculate how to best pick up the dragon hybrid. Tommy's always been light (almost worryingly so) but he's lanky and not nearly as small as the stocky goat hybrid. Large wings only serve to further complicate things, though Ranboo finds he doesn't want them to go away.

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