Shards of glass from the hourglass we made togethed

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Tubbo isn't sure what to expect when Sapnap pulls him to the side after the competition's celebration starts to die down. The win went to Wilbur, but only barley.

But he follows the blaze hybrid anyway, only able to keep up with him as he expertly weaves through the crowd because the older boy continuously slows in order to make sure the goat hybrid is still behind him.

He has no idea what the near-stranger (and celebrity) could want from him.

He hopes he's not in trouble for something. Though at least what he's seen of the dragon rider at breakfast (and with Karl and big Q) paint a pleasant picture of who Sapnap is.He seems nice enough.

Oh! Maybe it's actually Karl or Quackity who are asking for him? That would make sense... but he's pretty sure they are at the "party" joking around with Wilbur.

Either way, his answer seems to be close at hand. They finally escape the building and Tubbo follows the Blaze until they find a quiet corner not too far from the roped off area where the dragons take a well deserved rest and Sapnap slows to a stop.

" alright, sorry about that"

Sapnap smiles at Tubbo but it's a little awkward

" I wasn't sure how far to go but I didn't want a viewer or something to overhear and start something"

Even if Tubbo wasn't already curious, that certainly would have caught his attention.

" So what do you need me for, boss man?"

" Not much to be honest, just wanna run something past you"

" Alright, then, what is it?"

Tubbo tilts his head curiously

"Well, you see... I've decided to take the next competition season off to spend more time with Karl and Big Q"

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah, could use a break..."

Tubbo hums in acknowledgment, still not sure why he's being told this.

"That brings me to you"

As if he read his mind, Sapnap continues talking.

" I was told by the league that when I announce it in a day or two I can nominate a rider of my choice to take my place... I was thinking I might give you a shot"


"You show promise and you're a nice kid, just wanted to check with you before subjecting you to all the pressure and attention"

Tubbo just blinks at him, trying to wrap his head around the words the blaze hybrid just uttered (and how casually he said them).

"You don't have to answer right now and it won't be your only chance but-"

" -Of course I want the nomination! Are you sure that you're willing to give it to me? Not purpled or someone who's been training for longer?"

Sapnap smiles at his (breathless) enthusiasm

"Pretty sure, thanks to Techno you've got a lot of eyes on you already  anyway so you honestly probably don't even need me to say anything"


"Yeah, probably"


Sapnap chuckles at the nervous bleat Tubbo makes, completely caught off guard by the entire conversation.

"Could I tell the others?"

"Sure, I only didn't say anything because I wanted to make sure you were on board in to make sure no one could pressure you to apply if you didn't want to"

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