The smallest blizzard

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It comes to Tommy's attention as the train slows to a stop that his skin doesn't feel right on his body. He's not super surprised, to be clear, it's been difficult to find any time to shift back and give his body a break even before the almost full day of travel he just went through.

Even Tubbo's hand resting against his side as they unload from the train for a break feels almost hot against his feathers and his stomach threatens to rumble.

He growls under his breath, earning himself a slightly concerned glance as they wait for the other dragons (and riders) to regroup. He wonders how long it's really been since he was able to feel securely alone enough to dare, he wonders when he'll be able to.

His own feathers beg him to make it soon.

He tries to ignore the feeling as they go eat and as the dragons are lead to the inn(?) they are supposed to be staying in. Well, he thinks it's an inn but it's unlike any he's ever seen.... Granted he's only ever seen like three in his entire life.

It's pretty, and obviously expensive. A small cottage with ivy growing along the sides and a backyard fenced in brick only visible from inside of the "stable" beside it. The stable itself is practically a second house, also fenced in with brick and featuring a foot or so gap between the top of the wall (which it shares on one side with the small yard) and the metallic rooftop, the inside is lined with some sort of sawdust (though it's oddly comfortable underfoot).

The sun isn't even setting but it appears that that's where they're stopping for the night, he even hears Phil tell Tubbo that they have the entire place to themselves for the day and Tommy reminds himself of just how much money this family has.

He watches the other dragons get comfortable, seemingly used to the situation as Tubbo strokes his side. He wonders if it's normal to feel so detached after spending so much time in his second place form.

He decides to try laying down and relax like the other dragons, though the dust beneath him feels gritty against his feathers.

"Say, we're thinking of taking a walk since we're here a bit early. You want to come, mate?"

His ears perk up as Tubbo's addressed and isn't sure whether to hope for the offer to be declined or accepted (he doesn't want to be alone when he's somewhere so unfamiliar but if it gives him a chance to reset this biological timer it would be worth it).

Despite whatever Tommy's feelings would land on, Tubbo agrees and Tommy can only feel a sense of relief. He feins getting settled in place as Phil finishes removing Crowza's saddle, an action Tommy hadn't even realized the crow hybrid was even doing.

He tries to clear his head as the entire group leaves, chatting pleasantly about whatever town they've ended up in.

He makes himself wait until the shadows on the ground begin to grow longer before standing up and making his way to the shared wall, where a small green door promises passage to the backyard of the small cottage. He hopes with all of his heart that it's not somewhere visible as he glances back at the dragons sleeping in the late-afternoon sunlight and transforms to his first place with a sigh, ignoring the sudden restrictive feeling of his own skin.

He twists the doorknob and peaks through a crack to check for people. Past the doorway a garden of succulents and roses is cast in shadows and after a moment or two without any evidence to the contrary he determines there must be no one there. He steps into the yard and closes the door behind him.

As he walks further into the garden he stares through the windows along the back of the cottage, finding them just as absent oflife he finally allows himself to shift, the feeling of relief once more washing over him. He sits on the edge of a brick lined flower bed (he muses about his fondness of bricks the home-owner seems).

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