The Sky beneath your feet

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Tommy wakes up feeling both warm and cold at the same time. He yawns loudly while stretching out like a cat before opening his eyes and seeing the sky, recognizing that that must mean he somehow fell asleep outside (and based on the pink and orange it's getting late). It wouldn't be the first time but it's been awhile, at least. The last time he did, Tubbo was so mad about him falling asleep on the roof since he "could have fallen off and died" (as if, Tommy is too good at being alive to do that).

Just as he starts to wonder if Ranboo and Tubbo are wondering where he is right now he gets an answer in the form of feeling a shift from the warmth under him. He looks and to his pleasant surprise sees Ranboo asleep with his head in the grass and Tubbo clinging to his arm, one leg over Tommy.

It's like some sort of strange puzzle, or maybe it's more like a woven basket. Either way it used to be a more common sight than the three in separate beds and its nice to see.

In seemingly no time the sky darkens and it becomes clear that the warmth is only from each other. He shivers slightly because the cooling air and the shade of the mountain are making that half warm and half cold effect he felt when he woke up worse and it's probably going to be even colder by night. He considers just falling asleep again anyway but decides that it would be better to at least move inside.

He cautiously escapes the cuddle pile and begins to clean up, there are a few last tarts remaining and he eats one as he works to gather the boxes and psych himself up for carrying his friends all the way home. It's been at least a year since he last carried them both and Ranboo is needlessly lanky.

Once he's done with procrastinating he peels Tubbo off of Ranboo before lifting the larger boy onto his back and grabbing Tubbo, the boxes and the blanket in his arms. He only takes a few steps before almost dropping everything and needing to set them down to get resituated to prevent himself from breaking his best friends' bones.

He ends up deciding to wrap himself in the blanket and shift into his commonplace form for the strength and balance boost, praying to who knows what that the largely abandoned area between him and his house hasn't somehow lost its abandoned status in the last few months. With Ranboo crushing his wings and basically sitting on his tail, the blanket covering most of his feathered features and Tubbo (and the leftover pastries) balanced in his arms he can't help but wonder if it's worth letting the other two sleep for this.

But, he refuses to let the risk and the time he's already put into his situation be for nothing and continues forward. He's not sure he's ever been so relieved to see his house, stepping inside and dumping his smallest cargo on the table and the larger pieces onto the couch, miraculously still sound asleep. He returns to his firstplace form and thinks about laying down with them but the invisible twitch of wings that aren't even there prove to him that his effort not only woke him up but made his stupid dragon brain want to go for a run.

With nothing else to do he leaves a note explaining that he's on a walk before starting his way up the mountain to his cave to practice 'dragoning' again. The evening is already surprisingly cold in comparison to yesterday but once he's transformed it's not a big deal. He takes a second to adjust to the feathered covered body and the way his neck and eyes move but it's a lot easier than last time.

He paces around the den to make sure that the walking and running practice yesterday stuck and makes a pleased growl when it hardly takes any effort. The next step is to be able to leave the cave, last time he just transformed into his common form to leave but he's almost certain he can fit through the hole that is filtering light into the cave. He explored around it a bit yesterday and it's right next to a spiraling path up the mountain towards Billiam's place.He feels fear (of both pain and failure) nipping at his heels but Tommy doesn't listen, he's too cool too.

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