Picnic with no basket

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Tubbo shuffles his feet outside of the town inn while he waits for Tommy to finish changing shifts. He tries his best to pick Tommy and Ranboo up from work at the end of every shift since he knows they both appreciate it, even if Tommy is not very open about "soft" emotions in public.

Sure enough, as soon as Tommy comes into view the taller boy he puts on a tired smile and walks over.

"What's up tubzo"

"Not much, busy day?"

Tubbo stares pointedly at the signs of tiredness painted on Tommy's face, earning himself a glare.

" yeah and I got home late too-"

" I swear without me, you and Ranboo would take every job in the country and try to do them all at once"

Tommy huffs slightly before smirking and making something close to a smirk

"Without you me and Ranboo would be happy "

Even though Tommy is sure to coat his words in humor and sarcasm Tubbo stomps on his foot knowing full well that his hoof would hurt even if it doesn't do any damage.

"Ow! What the fuck?"

Tubbo sticks his tongue at the taller hybrid


They both dissolve into lighthearted banter for the rest of the relatively short walk home. The sun is hot as it soaks into his dark and fluffy hair but it feels right. He walks up to the house and opens the door for the tired enderman beside him and begins to clear his throat to call annoyingly to let Ranboo know they are back when he notices a note on the counter in familiar neat scrawl.

Tommy picks it up carelessly and reads it, an eyebrow raising and his thin tail beginning to sway curiously behind him. Tubbo tries to read it over his shoulder but it's up too high to see clearly enough to combat the trouble he already has with reading due to being dyslexic. He bleats softly before looking away to hide his frustrated embarrassment

"So, what does it say?"

"Ah! Sorry, sorry, it's Ranboo"

"Well I know that!"

Tommy gives him a pout that communicates ' interrupt me again and this will fuel the fireplace in a few moments and you will never know'. He presses his own lips into a unimpressed line in response.

"He says he's setting up a surprise because we've been 'down' lately.. Wants to meet us at the bench"

The bench being a bridge rather than a bench but it's small enough without any railings to be used as one. The drybed below it was where Ranboo spoke to Tubbo For the first time without Tommy there, hiding from a drizzle while Tommy was stuck at the orphanage because he was sick and Ranboo's always been such a sentimental person.

"Well then, let's go see the poor guy"

Tommy nods and opens the door again, about to walk out before Tubbo launches himself out first

"Race you!"

The gasp behind him signals that he's probably about to be chased, the path there is short and worn through the neighborhood so he knows how to get up onto old fences that will let him get there faster than Tommy. He shifts into his secondplace form and leaps up some empty garbage cans that would probably not support his normal weight.

He pulls himself up onto a cement fence and sprints, hearing Tommy's indignant shout close behind him.

"Come on! That has to be cheating"

" sure it is long-legs!"

It doesn't take long until Ranboo comes into view, nervously fidgeting with his own hands next to the end of the fence


Tubbo jumps off and the enderman hyrbid runs to catch him, all of the weight of Tubbo's common form slamming into him and causing the much larger hybrid to let out a warble before catching his balance again.

"You're both idiots"

Tommy catches up easily with his chest only slightly out of breath and a fond smile on his face. Tubbo hugs into Ranboo and bleats teasingly at Tommy ,who just makes a soft unimpressed growl before moving on.

"Anyway... What was your 'big surprise', big man?"

Tubbo let's Ranboo set him down as he awaits an answer.

"Oh! Come this way!"

Ranboo signals for them to follow him and steps over the gap with only one step off of the bridge exchanging old yellowed grass for the green that borders an abandoned orchard.

Tubbo immediately recognizes the pebble path as the way to their picnic spot. The air is oddly silent as they walk through the trees, the air cooled by the shade as feet and hooves hit tap against the path until the trio reach the slow climbing stairway to rolling green hills.

They leave the orchard and are immediately sat on the top of a tall hill littered with flowers and overlooking both the other side of the town and the rolling wheat fields beside it. The mountain is practically against their back and it's so familiar. A gasp from Tommy catches his attention and he follows the younger boy as he suddenly runs to their spot and oh-

Ranboo hovers awkwardly next to a large quilt with a pitcher of lemonade and three boxes from the bakery set up in the center. Tommy immediately kicks off his shoes and lays across the quilt with a purr while Tubbo prefers to first turn towards the tallest of the trio


He runs to him and gives him a proper hug this time

"You shouldn't have?"

Ranboo makes an embarrassed but pleased chirp that displays how he feels much better than words could. Even better, after settling on the blanket Ranboo reveals that he got each of them their favorites and that he helped niki out in exchange for some of them.

The honey cake is as good as ever and Tommy eats his tarts as if he's literally starving (again).

The blue sky overlooks laughter and joy.

The blue sky also overlooks the moment when Tommy lays across Ranboo like a cat and promptly falls asleep.

The sky overlooks many things.

Personally Tubbo thinks this is the best kind of thing it gets to see.

(Lol short and not really plot but man I just love these three, hope this is up to your standards skjhsk)

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