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does Craig die? you'll find out 🤭


Tweek's POV
I couldn't sleep. Couldn't eat. Couldn't even face Tolkien or Clyde. I stayed holed up in Craig's house. I cleaned and rearranged about a million times.

I would visit him every day at visiting time. No one else came near the hospital. Only me, Tolkien and Clyde knew so far, so no one else was even aware that Craig was barely living. Tolkien was avoiding me, scared that I would lash out at him for still talking with Clyde. Clyde was maintaining distance too, for obvious reasons.

In a fit of pure desperation one night, I'd smashed my phone into pieces. Then I'd anxiously swept the pieces into the bin and mopped the floor until it was shinier than the stars.

So I had no contact with anyone. No friends, no family, no lover. No one.

I was all alone.


Tolkien's POV
I hadn't slept properly. Hadn't eaten. I'd been trying to maintain Clyde's mental health as well as my own. Clyde wasn't himself. He slept longer, almost always getting 15 hours of sleep, waking up for a quick shower and some soup or bread, and then going back to sleep.

I hadn't heard from Tweek. I'd called and texted like mad before concluding he was most likely pissed at me. I had sent multiple people round to Craig's to check in on him, but there was never any answer.

Finally, 2 weeks later, Clyde was awake before 4 in the afternoon. In fact, he was awake at 4 in the morning. I hadn't slept at all, the voices in my head prevented sleep. He stirred, sat bolt up right and proclaimed:

"I have to fix it."

Naturally, I helped him.

Slowly but surely, we settled back into normal routine. Clyde showered, brushed his hair, got dressed, ate breakfast and followed me to the hospital. I slipped the receptionist a hundred to let us into Craig's room. He was significantly better than the last time we'd seen him.

Clyde left a letter on his bed, a letter explaining everything, why he'd done it, how sorry he was, what would happen next should he want it. He stayed for a while until actual visiting time started.

We snuck out, stalking over to Craig's house. We waited for Tweek to leave, watched him disappear down the street and broke in.

I say "broke", I had a spare key that I'd been given a few years back. The place looked like it had been cleaned a million times. Everything had a place, some things had even been specifically angled to match the room. It was scary. We sat on one of the sofas, awaiting Tweeks return. When he eventually returned and caught sight of us, he practically fell to the floor.

We heaved him to the sofa. Clyde took a few deep breaths, before he started talking.

"Tweek. I'm sorry for what happened. I honestly wasn't expecting it to affect Craig so much. I had meant it as a joke, I was just meant to be making fun of how much he liked you. That doesn't justify what I've done though, and I know I probably can't make this up to you, or Craig. But I wasn't entirely the villain. Craig had showed me his diary before when the whole thing with Kyle played out. Apparently Kyle had faked the entire thing. I can't prove that, and even if I could I don't know why he did it, but whatever. Anyways, after Craig showed me that I asked if I could read it, and he said yes. And then I saw all these entries about you and how much he liked you, so I asked him if it was ok to tell you. And he said yes."

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. WHAT."

"Um, he said I could tell yo-"

"No, not that. Kyle FAKED it?!"

"Uh, apparently."

"What the fuck."

I was staring too.

I had been suspicious, don't get me wrong. Shelia and Gerald had never seemed like the homophobic type. But Kyle was in no state to talk about it and Ike had gone ghost.

"Where's Craig's journal now?"

"In his room, third desk on his night stand, back left corner." Tweek said automatically.

Clyde disappeared to retrieve it, while I stared at Tweek.

"Dude, all this cleaning.. It's not healthy."

"I know. It's just been something for me to do here. I can and will stop, but you don't know how lonely and isolated I am without Craig."

"I'm always here for you dude. And I called a ton."

"I smashed my phone up."

"I'll get you a new one."

"FOUND IT!" Clyde yelled, racing down the stairs. He flipped the beat up notebook open to a page about 1/4 of the way in.

"Diary entry, June 13th: Kyle showed up at my house today. He fell asleep, apparently Shelia locked him up and he had to run away. I don't know how believable that is. Might've seen someone in the window too, maybe just paranoid."

"Read the pages after this one." I instructed.

"Diary entry, June 14th: Kyle was on something today. No idea what. Said that it was 'all jus fake' and that he 'jus want stannnn'. Tweek wouldn't talk to me today. Maybe I fucked up?"

Clyde continued:
"Diary entry, June 16th: Kyle admitted that it was all fake. He just wanted Stan's attention. I told him I thought he already had it, to which he said that it was very different outside of school. Stan's an alchie, everyone knows that, but apparently he's such a drunk he never pays any attention to anyone outside of school. Ike is visiting extended family, so Kyle saw the perfect opportunity."

Stan is in rehab right now. Kyle sent him there. So Kyle faked all the shit that made everyone go mad, the shit that made everyone hate Shelia and Gerald, the shit that made everyone feel bad for him. The shit that made Craig relapse.

Yeah, I knew about that. Clyde tells me everything.

"Kyle is so dead."



you'll find out if Craig's dead or not...

js not in this chapter

honestly have no idea how this will end, but Kyle is in for some shit 🤭

also, please appreciate the fact that this plot twist took so many chapters to write in, and also took so much planning. all these chapters have been leading up to some big ass plot twist and this is it.

And this is only half the twist. Next half, next chapter.

Who knows, maybe I'll take a nice long week vacation and leave you in suspense. Maybe I'll do it in the morning.

you'll just have to find out 🤭

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