The meal lasted for a short period of least that's what it felt like. Talking and laughing until their stomachs hurt made it seem like time was moving faster.

"I didn't even realise how big this house actually is..." y/n gazed up at the tall staircase. "Wanna explore it while Emma and Norman clean up?" Ray asked. "Obviously" the girl said, grabbing Rays hand. The two walked around the ground floor where they were met with shelves of different books in different sizes and colours. "Woah!!" Y/ns face brightened up at the sight. Ray walked towards the shelves running his hand across the books that were neatly packed into the shelves. "Hey look at this" he smiled, picking up a familiar looking book. Y/ns eyes widened as a smile grew across her face. "The princess and the knight!!" She gasped, taking the book out of Rays hands. She paced around the room flicking through the pages. "It's the same one as back at the house.!" " she laughed. "I guess there was more than one copy" Ray crossed his arms, leaning against the bookcase. "This brings back so many memories" she smiled, reading over the pages. "Yeah I remember the first time I brought it to you was in the infirmary, you loved it so much I swear we read so many chapters in an hour" he said.

"Ray look at this!" Y/n pointed to a box on the table. "Hm?" He asked, standing behind her. She lifted the boxes lid, revealing it to be a record player. "We read about these!! Remember?" Y/n asked as an expression of pure curiosity spread across her face making Ray smile. "Yeah I do, I never thought I'd see one in real life" Ray said, examining the box. "Is there a record we could play? I really would love to hear it" she smiled, looking around the room. "I'll find one" Ray said, flicking through the shelves until he found a box full of different records. "Got it" Ray said, lifting the box up onto the small table. "Which one should we play? Can I choose?" Y/n asked with excitement. "Of course" Ray smiled.

"I don't know what any of them sound like...I'll pick this one!" Y/n picked up a random record from the box. Ray nodded and placed it into the box and rested the stylus above the record. The gentle song of piano began to play, creating a pleasant delicate tune as it was joined by the violin. "That is so beautiful" y/n gasped at the sound. "It's pretty cool considering we only heard of this in books" Ray said. Y/n twirled and hummed to the music. "It's so weird, I feel like I've heard this song feels so familiar" y/n said.

"Ray come dance with me" the (h/c) haired laughed, putting out her hand for him to take. "Only this once because Norman and Emma aren't here..if they were here..." Ray sighed. Y/n grabbed his hand. "Are you embarrassed to dance with me?" Y/n raised her eyebrows with a smirk. "No I've just never really danced before" Ray said, looking at the ground. "You just move with the music it's easy, watch" y/n said. She rested her hands on his shoulders. "Now you put yours on my waist" "this is dumb" "no it's not!...Now you just!" Y/n laughed. "It can't be that easy" Ray said, confused. "Ray, you aced every single test at GraceField, dancing with me shouldn't be too difficult" y/n said. 

After a few minutes of nearly falling over his own feet, Ray finally began to get better at it. "See! I told you it's easy" y/n said as the two swayed to the music. " I get your point" Ray laughed under his breath. Y/n smiled and sighed. "What's wrong?" Ray asked. "Nothing, I'm actually relieved...we have a big house where we can all live in, we have warm meals, we have our family...and we have Norman! Isn't this great?" Y/n said. "It is...but are you not worried?" Ray asked. "Worried? About what?" Y/n tilted her head in confusion. "Norman said he is going to destroy the Ratri clan...every single person from it" Ray said. Y/ns eyes widened. "Ray you really think he means me included?" She laughed. "There is a chance he is aware of their connection to you...if he knew all that history about the demons and if he used James Ratris name then he probably knows about you. Did you not see the way Vincent acted around us earlier?" Ray asked. "So what if Norman knows? We have been his friends for years...ever since we were little kids we've been there for him. You really think he's gonna turn his back on me because of some stupid blood relatives I've never met? They are disgusting and I'm glad I never met them nor will I ever" Y/n said. "...I don't know... maybe I'm just overthinking this...he hasn't even mentioned much about the clan...but we should still be cautious" Ray sighed. "I'm not too worried about it. The kids haven't said anything to him about it and most of them know, he is still just Norman after all this time, right?" Y/n smiled. "Right" Ray smiled weakly.

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