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He was dying. Lin Mo could feel that it was time for him to go. He was alright with it, he made peace with the fact he would die young long ago. It wasn't hard, after all he didn't have any family and whatever friends he did have lost contact with him long ago. 'It's fine' he thought to himself. As he laid on the hospital bed with the last of his life slipping away, he thought, 'I hope in my next life the heavens would be kind enough to give me a family.' With that last thought running through his mind, Lin Mo closed his eyes for the last time.

At least that's what he thought. Lin Mo started at the little white ball trying to process what just happened.

"So you're saying that I'm dead."


"But I was chosen as a host."

**That's right!**

"To travel to different worlds to complete whatever tasks you give me."

**Mmhm! What host says is correct. So what's your answer?** Lin Mo could practically hear the white ball, no system because he read enough novels to know where this is going, vibrating in excitement.

"...Could I not?" Despite being a white ball, Lin Mo could see it wilt in sadness.

**Ehhhh why not?? Haven't you read those novels where the protagonist gains a golden finger system and becomes OP? Don't you know you can also get one wish once you're done?** The system flew around Lin Mo's head trying to convince him to accept. Lin Mo couldn't help but give the system a blank face.

"Of course I know. I also know myself well enough that I wouldn't last a day in your dog blood scripts." One system and human stared at each other.

**Pretty please?**

"No." The system promptly burst out in sobs while rushing to attach itself to Lin Mo's face.

**Pleaseee you can't leave me!! You're my last chanceeee!!** The system sobbed so loud Lin Mo felt his eardrums about to burst. He tried prying off the white ball while simultaneously trying to speak.

"What do you mean last chance?" Lin Mo finally pried the system off and held tightly in his hands.

**Wuwu no one wants me wuwu. Every host I got immediately left when they found out what kind of system I am wuwu.** Lin Mo gave the system a skeptical look.

"Just what kind of system are you?" Surely it can't be that bad he thought. The system quieted down as if it was trying to hide something. Lin Mo felt a sense of foreboding. "Tell me, just WHAT kind of system are you exactly?" Lin Mo stared at the system as if he were trying to bore a hole through it. He heard the system mumble something but couldn't make it out. Lin Mo shook the system. "Tell me before I jump ship right now."

**System 088**

"Which is?"


"Come one I know you have a name, like you said I've read the novels."


"That's it, consider me done. Obliterate my soul or whatever."

**Baby Making System! I'm a Baby Making System!** Lin Mo felt his brain crash as he processed what the white ball said.

"Baby Making System."


"As in the process of making a baby..."

**...En** Lin Mo threw the system like it was made of hot lava.


The system bounced before flying back towards Lin Mo.

**Wuwu host please don't throw me away!**

Lin Mo dodged while pointing at the system accusingly.

"What kind of system is a Baby Making System?! What happened to the Villian system or Hero system or even the Cannon Fodder 1 2 3 system?! Who the fuck creates a Baby Making System?!" Lin Mo felt like he was going crazy because who in their right mind would create a system like this? Does that mean he had to have sex with multiple women to hopefully have a kid? Or did baby making literally mean only the baby making part. No it doesn't matter because he wouldn't do it! One, to have sex with multiple women just in hope of having a kid was too immoral for him. Who knows what kind of task the system would give him! For all Lin Mo knew his task could be to find a random woman, have sex, wait till pregnancy confirmed, then immediately leave! And two, Lin Mo was gay! 100% bent, no way could he have sex with a woman since he couldn't even get it up if it wasn't a man. Of course he never had sex with anyone in his short lifespan but he knew, he, Lin Mo, was as straight as a circle.

Lin Mo shook his head so hard trying to get these thoughts out of his head he became dizzy.

"No I won't do it! I won't!"

**Wuwu but host! Didn't you always want a family! This is host's chance!**

"Of course I want a family but not like this! Besides who says that I won't be shuffled off to the next world once the so called baby making was done? Not only that but I'm as straight as a circle so how am I suppose to do this so called baby making?"

**But host its not like that! It may say baby making but it doesn't necessarily mean sex! There are many different ways to make a baby especially in all the magical worlds. Not to mention in more advanced worlds there is artificial insemination and the likes! No penetration! And after host completes his main task then you can choose to leave the world or not! So if host wants he can raise some buns and have his own family!**

Lin Mo gave the white ball a scrutinizing look. He has to admit he was starting to waver. Don't get him wrong the name baby making is a little perverted no matter how you look at it, but if what the system said is true then at the very least he could just donate sperm and it would be considered as making a baby. Compared to the other tasks that involve complicated tactics and manipulation, this seemed the easiest and laidback. Not only that, once he was done with the task he could live in the world like normal. The system saw Lin Mo was considering it and went for the kill.

**Not only that but host would have access to a system shop with all kinds of goodies for host to use. Of course since host is just a beginner the shop is limited and host would only have his starting amount of points. But! Host will be rewarded after each world based on how well host did his task.** The system slowly floated to touch Lin Mo's face and slowly rubbed against him to try to sell some meng. After Lin Mo thought about it some more, he finally made a decision. Taking a deep breath, Lin Mo plucked the white ball from his face and gave his answer.

"Alright I accept." The white ball jumped up and down in happiness.

**Yay yay! Thank you host! Host is the best in the world!** The system jumped up down left right, Lin Mo could tell how desperate the white ball must have been.

"Alright alright, you can stop now." The white ball stopped in front of Lin Mo but was still vibrating in place. Lin Mo sighed somewhat regretting his choices.

"From now on I'll call you Bai."

**Yes host!**

"When do we start?"

**Whenever host wants!**

"Then let's start now, the sooner the better."

**Yes! Transporting host to world number 1 now!**

Lin Mo felt a tug at his navel and everything went black.

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