Chapter 8:Exchange(Part 1)

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The team is soon called to the lab, where doc greene is having trouble with an anti-gravity patch he has developed, once Heatwave uses a tool to stop doc from jumping around the lab, Frankie removes the patch from him.

Doc: Now I know how he feels like a locust.

Charlie: What is this about doc?

Doc: It corresponds to a new invention so delicate that it requires zero gravity for its final assembly.

Graham: how astronauts experiment in space.

Doc: precisely, I was trying to replicate the experience with the anti-gravity patch, but I think I'll have to finish assembling the artifact the old fashioned way, by traveling into space.

Frankie: *gets excited* Can I go dad? You've promised me that you'll take me on the space elevator forever.

Doc: I don't see why not, my little Aldrin.

Doc: actually, why don't we all go? We can organize a picnic in Asgard.

Cody: Really?

Kade: Ah, about time to invite us.

Daniel: Thank you doc!

Charlie: Excellent.

Graham: Ahm, I already went, I got sick.

Heatwave: Field day? *sarcasm* wow, what a thrill, let's watch the humans eat.

Blades: It's not fair, Dani teases us with her frozen yogurt.

Dani: What can I say blades, if you have not tried the fresh strawberry flavor, you have not lived.

Boulder: I'm always ready for space action.

Chase: I'll go as a fellowship act, and I'll bring the pickles.

The group boards the Asgard and as they prepare for launch.

Doc: I think I brought everything, sandwiches, apples, the diagnostic link binary.

Charlie: And what is it for, doc?

Doc: It's designed for medical research, let's say you have a toothache.

Kade: How does my tooth hurt?

Frankie: You connect at one end, your doctor at the other, and the EDB lets you feel exactly what you feel.

Doc: therefore allows doctors to give the patient a more accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Cody: colossal.

Frankie: By the way, why didn't you invite Sooha?

Heatwave: She's busy working at her mom's boutique, she's done with her shift in a bit.

Heatwave: (I don't know why but......I miss her already).

The space elevator takes off and once it is in orbit, doc greene turns off the gravity simulators.

The team enjoy zero gravity for a while and eat, before Doc tries to install the crystal in his new invention.

Cody: Exactly. Why do you have to do it in the doc space?

Doc: the binary transfer effect is activated by this crystal, it is very delicate, any friction or even a sudden movement during its installation could cause the device to fail.

Graham: *voice* attention crew, I see a nebula approaching Asgard, you can see it to port.

And they begin to see her through the window.

Cody: wow, she's not dangerous, is she?

Frankie: no, it's made mostly of hydrogen and carbon particles, one day they'll form a star.

A girl and 4 rescue bots💖❤️💙💚🧡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang