Part 119

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Sunghoon: If I died, how much would you miss me?

Jay: It's funny how you think death can get you out of this relationship.


Jay: [ Wakes up in the middle of the night to see Jungwon two inches away from his face]

Jungwon: So we had this ide- stop screaming! so we had this idea..

Jay: What the hell? Who's "we"???

Niki: [ popping up beside Jungwon] SO WE HAD THIS IDEA-



Sunghoon: I'm 70% exhausted, 20% sarcastic, and 20% don't care.

Jay: That's 110%

Sunghoon: 20% don't care

Jay: I should've seen that coming...


Jay: Do you want to tell me how you two crashed the car?

Jake: Well, we were driving and there was this deer in the middle of the road that Heeseung couldn't see, So I yelled "Heeseung, Deer!"


Jay: And what your response was?

Heeseung: "Yes, Honey?"


Maknae line, knocking on Sunghoon's door: Can we go to a haunted house?!

Sunghoon: What's wrong with the one we live in?

Sunoo: What-

Sunghoon: [slowly closes his bedroom door] Good night.


Niki: Shout out to my parents for making the most perfect kid ever!

Sunoo: Congratulations to your sister!


Heeseung: The moon is beautiful tonight.

Jake: Yeah... But you know what else is beautiful?

Heeseung: Who?

Jake: [ Holding Layla] This doggie right here !!


Today my sister put makeup on my cat... He looks like those drag queens... But the makeup won't go off unless we bathe him. My poor white cat 😭

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