Part 118

486 41 44


Jungwon: Niki doesn't have a life plan in his mind.

Jungwon: He doesn't even have a day plan.

Jungwon: Once I found a note he wrote to himself that said, "Put on pants".....followed by a question mark.


Sunghoon: If you had ten cookies and I asked for five, how many cookies would you have left?

Jungwon: None.

Sunghoon: Jungwon, it's basic math. It's not that har-

Jungwon: I would give you all of them because you deserve them <3


Sunghoon: [Pulling Jay's shirt to wipe his tears] Gross, Absolutely disgusting, go to your room.


Jay: Be careful with the onions, they'll make you cry.

Niki: Not if I make them cry first!

Niki: [Stabs Onion]


Sunghoon: How long are you gonna stand there and let him do that?

Jay: Just give him a minute.

Jake: [ Putting dirty dishes in the oven instead of the dishwasher]



Jay: He'll figure it out after he learns something seems wrong, eventually.


Jay: [Walks into his room]

Niki: Hi Jay Hyung!

Niki: You're probably thinking why I am stuck in the ceiling.


Jake: What if people had food names and food had people names?

Jake, to Sunghoon: Hey Spaghetti, time for dinner!

Sunghoon: What are we having?

Jake: Jay.

Jay: How the hell am I related to you?

Jake: Shut up, Potato.


Sunghoon: Sunoo, can you carry this for me?

Sunoo: I don't know, I can barely carry the weight of my depression. 

Sunghoon: Just pick up the fucking grocery bag!


Lol I was finding my phone while turning on its flash-

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