Part 65

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Sunghoon: You're a lying, cheating piece of shit. You're not the man I married!

Jay: Okay then we'll get a divorce. And about our kids, I'm taking Jungwon you're talking Sunoo.

Sunghoon: Fine!

Heeseung: [Takes the monopoly board away from them] I think it's time we should stop playing...


Jake: Why is all my underwear in the freezer?

Sunoo: While you were drunk yesterday, you said " This is gonna confuse me tomorrow" and put them in. Apparently, your drunk self likes to play pranks on your sober self.

Jake: That explains a lot.


Sunghoon: I had a crush on someone and I didn't know how to handle it so I filled their locker with heart-shaped confetti.

Jay: That's weird, once I opened my locker and found it filled with heart-shaped confetti.


Sunghoon: Oh really? Have fun. I have to go water my dog now...


Jake: Do you still remember the Periodic table?

Jay: Yeah.

Jake: Seriously?

Jay: Why did you forget?

Jake: I remember up to 30 maybe. But it's tough for me because I'm dealing with a lot right now.

Jay: Would you mind sharing? :(

Jake: H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn.


Jay: That's not what I meant you stupid fucking idiot!

A/n: This one actually happened to me while chatting with my friend, around a month ago. I just copy-pasted our conversation and changed his name to Jake and mine to jay. And I cursed at the bitch for 5 minutes.


Sunghoon: I have a train of thoughts.

Sunghoon: I like to call it anxiety express. 


Therapist: Okay Jake say a bad thing about yourself.

Jake: I'm uncooperative.

Therapist: Really? Give me an example.

Jake: No


Jake: Would you date a girl who's taller than you?

Niki: No.

Jake: Don't you think that's a little shallow?

Niki: I'm gay.


Hello kiddos!
 I don't post anything on social media but you can always dm me here or on my insta. Feel free to text me if you wanna be friends or you can just talk to me if you go through a rough day<3 

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