Part 74

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Jungwon: When's your birthday?

Niki: December 9th.

Jungwon: What year?

Niki: ... Every year?


Jungwon: Niki and I were crossing the street, and this man drove by and honked at us.

Heeseung: What did Niki do?

Jungwon: He chased him to the next red light, and reached into his window, and-

Niki: [Walks into the room] Who wants a steering wheel?


Jake: what if he kisses me?

Sunghoon: Kiss him back.

Jake: Okay...but why his back?



Sunghoon: And I'll have a glass of your finest wine

Employee: Sir, this is a McDonalds.

Sunghoon: Okay fine!

Sunghoon: I'll have a McWine then.


Heeseung: When you said you were 'magical with your hands' last night, this isn't exactly what I thought you meant...

Jake: [Holds up an ace of spades] Is this your card?

Heeseung: [softly] holy shit!


Jay: I keep a picture of all of us in my wallet. Whenever I face difficulties, I take it out and stare at the picture.

Sunoo: Aww-

Jay: And I tell myself 'If I can deal with these idiots, I can deal with anything'.

Sunoo:... Oh.


Heeseung: Thanks for buying me dinner!

Jake: I thought you paid?


Heeseung: Well I guess we're never going back there-


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