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Beep beep

The annoyingly familiar alarm blared, causing a groan to escape both you and Copia.

"Satan." Copia sighs, before letting out a yawn. You stretch catching the yawn of Copia.
"Mh, morning." He mumbled.

"Morning." You say tiredly.

You both laid there for a bit, tired and half asleep still. His arms were wrapped around you still.

You give him a small pat on the chest,
"Come on. Get up, you need to do some rehearsing with the Ghouls."

He lets out another groan,
"Give me a minute." You nod in agreeance to his request.

It was atleast 5 minutes later before he actually got up. You followed a couple minutes later and got changed into something similar to this:

 You followed a couple minutes later and got changed into something similar to this:

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You sort your hair in the bathroom before going to his office, just to see if there was anything that needed doing.

You sit down on the chair looking around his office, slightly bored as he signed some paperwork. Out of boredom you began to spin your chair.

Copia looks up from his paperwork,
"It's a bit early don't you think Mia Cara?" He asks, chuckling slightly.

You stop your chair, the room spinning slightly.
"Oh yeah. Just waking myself up." You respond.

"Okay, just don't make yourself sick. Please." He says.

"I won't don't worry." You say.

You look around, seeing a picture frame on his desk you haven't seen before. You try and move your chair to be nosy.

Copia notices,
"What are you doing?" He chuckles.

"What's that picture?" You ask.

He looks at it for a moment before showing you. It was a picture of both of you and all the Ghouls.

You smile at the photo,
"Aw, that's cute."

Copia's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, almost relieved you didn't find it weird or anything.

"You think?" He asks.

"Yeah!" You say cheerily.

He smiles and continues to sign some paperwork for a bit longer before the office door slams open.

You turn around to look at the door.

"Breakfast." Dew says before walking off.

"Oh. Bit extra." Copia says sat there trying to compute what happened.

"Just a bit." You respond.

Copia gets up from his chair, you following walking down to the dining room.

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