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  My life totally changed when I met my Parent's s lawyer at the store, I went from being practically broke to having my parents house and business back, my father had a will and I got everything he owned after he passed away. My uncle and his wife got arrested and we're going to spend life imprisonment for murdering my family and I couldn't be more grateful that the case was resolved at the end.

Five years later and I was leaving the life, I even got to adopt Dawn so now even on paper I was her mum.

With all the money and having my friends with me I wasn't happy,I had men asking me out men that will do whatsoever to make me feel comfortable but I was not interested, I always found something wrong with them,something is always missing and I have admitted to myself that I won't feel the spark I felt with Tristan anymore. I concluded that a love like that only happens once in a life time and my time pasted.

In the first and second year I wanted for Tristan to come back but he didn't and as the years went by I learnt that having hope was not worth it so I focused on my work and daughter.

Imagine my shock when I went for a meeting and the person I saw looking fine as hell was Tristan, I almost lost it until I saw who he was sitting next to. After all these years Lexi was still by his side, which meant if this was war she won.

I was so angry, he looked so different I couldn't even say a trace of the man I fell in love with. When I saw him so broken in Adam's house I knew that he knew he fucked up, but what I wasn't going to do was to immediately accept him back after all these years and after all the pain he made me go through.

Months after months I could see him trying to reconnect with me and it made me love him more,I kept acting like I wasn't interested but deep down I was just scared that he might leave again.

It's been a week since the last time my secretary told me he came over for lunch like he has been doing for the past months, I was so busy that I didn't pick or return his calls and since then I haven't seen him again.

I couldn't bring myself to pick up the phone and return his calls either but as the days went by I kept hoping he will one day walk back into my office for lunch.

I was tired of sitting and waiting for Tristan while my mind kept telling me that he left for good so when Adam invited me for drinks at the club I couldn't refuse, I packed my things and closed for the day, since hotel business is a luxury business most people don't understand the work,energy and time that is put into it.

I arrived at thongs and went to our usual section,I saw Cole and Adam kissing each other and I smiled,if someone were to tell me this two will end up together and also happy like this I would have laughed so hard but seeing them together is so refreshing and a match made in heaven.

"Stop deepthroating bitches get a room" I said slamming my purse on the table.

"it's not our fault we are in love sis" Adam replied

" hi ex boss" I said to Cole.

"Hi partner" he replied " I will love to stick around but I have cash to make do see ya".

I invested in Cole's strip clubs that's how we became business partners, I was getting so much income from it that I thought of asking him to allow me invest me. Because if there is something Cole knows how to do is to make money.

"So how are you Lucy" Adam turned back to me after Cole left.

"I'm fine boo how are you" I replied.

"Im good as you saw earlier" he responded smirking.

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