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Black Chyna was tyga pumpum😂😂 so sorry guys but that song lives rent free in my brain.
Will really love it if you Like,comment and follow me y'all, it will help me to be motivated

We entered Thongs and it was crowded as usual, even when it's a weekday people still come to the club, it's one of the best strip club around afterall,Cole really did a good job with it, I went to the changing room and started dressing up while Coco went to the bar, when I entered the changing room I heard the girls talking.

"He was really big, I couldn't walk when he was through with me" one of the girls named Chantel said.

" it's too much work considering the pay wasn't that good" the other girl named hope replied her.

"Totally" Chantel agreed with her.

Well in case you didn't get the gist let me break it down for you,some of the girls here result to hook up to get more income,I'm not even judging it's a hard life and the girls here have different stories to tell.

"Hey bitches" I interrupted their gist.

" hey Lu" they responded and went back to talking about their escapees for the night.

I hurriedly left to my pole when the music came up and started dancing.

When I'm on a pole, it feels so surreal, all my troubles vanish, I like dancing that is why I didn't have any objections when Coco told me about the job, I mean it's not like people were excited to hire a nineteen year old girl that did not have a place to stay and a work experience of any sort.

Low key, I was hoping that I get to see the boy from the other night again, I was hoping I get to make him blush again, I kept glancing to see if he will show up but he didn't so I got frustrated and got down from the pole, I needed a drink a very strong drink if I was going to continue the night.

As I was heading to the bar,someone bumped into me and her drink splashed on me.

"The second time isn't the charm asshole" I turned to the person that hit me glaring.

"Rude much,I was about to apologize" she replied rolling her eyes.

"Well I don't see you apologizing ugly face"I said to her.

The truth is,she wasn't ugly she was absolutely beautiful but I was angry, I just wanted to annoy someone too and I hated the fact that today is "world splash drinks on Lucy day".

"Oh my God, you must really be sad to be so angry" she responded with a hand on her chest like she was in shock.

"Well better sad then ugly and blind bitch" I shoved her out of my way so I could go and change once again.

I left her mouth hanging and I was hoping flies enter inside and take a shit, as I was heading to the restroom I heard someone call the girl Lexi, I smiled to my self because it was very typical, the dumb pretty blond girls are always called Lexi or Lisa.

I didn't know what got into me that I spoke to her that way I thought to myself as I was changing,well I'm petty and annoying as hell so it's really no surprise, I won't be seeing the girl again so I wasn't bothered.

I went to the bar and Coco gave me a drink.

" today is really not your day Lu, I saw the blondie splash a drink on you" Coco said smiling.

" technically, she didn't but I really don't care she got a piece of this bad mouth" I responded.

"Hope you went easy on her" she asked me.

" Nop" I replied

"You make me so proud" Coco said.

Yes Coco can be mean at times but most times like now she just messes around.

"Well I'm not proud" Cole said from nowhere.

"Get out of my head Cole" I replied.

"I'm literally here" he told me rolling his eyes " anyways why are you not dancing?" He asked

"I'm tired" I replied him.

"You should go home early then, Coco can join you too, you should rest I want my babies looking the best,looking good is good business" He said.

"Ok" we responded.

Cole is really like the best boss ever, I finished my drink and waited for Coco to change from her bar uniform, she came back and we left to go the the car, we got in and we drove.

"Let's pass the store Lu, grocery is finished " she told me.

I drove and parked at the store, we shopped for groceries and every other thing we needed and we left, I got a big bowl of Vanilla ice cream because it was what I was craving.

We decided to order pizza and sat for a movie.

" tomorrow is our day off" Coco said.

"Yea I will sleep and maybe go to the saloon later" I said

" will probably stalk prof Elvis through out,yes I'm obsessed" she said laughing

I joined her and we laughed, I thought back to the stranger and what he might be doing at the moment and if he will Also be thinking about me as I am thinking about him.

exhausted, I excused myself to my room went straight to my bed and slept off.

So Lucy and Lexi meet 😂😂😂 Lucy is the worse, wanted to introduce lexi here, what do y'all?.

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