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"I'm so hungrrrry" I moaned out loud to Tristan while he was driving.

"What do you want to eat? I know a place close by" he said said to me.

"I don't think I can wait,there is a Mc Donald just ahead of us we can order from the drive through" I responded and he agreed with me.

I know a lot of girls will be like they cannot believe they are sitting in the car with someone they fantasize about but I'm not most girls I can believe it, I'm a go-getter,I see a dick that I like and I jump on it, not literally but you know what I mean,

"What do you want"Tristan's soft mesmerizing voice said to me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I ordered a large burger and coke, Tristan ordered the same thing I did.

We decided to drive to a nearly by park and sit down to have our meal,since we didn't plan on going anywhere in particular.

While Tristan was driving I decided to admire his God given features,damn he's fine and the way his big hands grabbed the wheel I wish I was the wheel.

We arrived the park and found a bench close to the fountain,we sat down there,getting tired of the peaceful silence I stared a conversation.

"Let's play a game babes"

"W-w-what game?"he responded blushing,I guess he likes the name I called him,I like the reaction I get out of him.

"Ten questions,so we can know ourselves better"I told him.

"Okay" he accepted.

"Alright then,let me start" I told him I started with a light question to make him feel comfortable "what is your surname"? I asked.

"Carson" he responded and i hummed to it because it was so fitting.

"Your turn" I told him

"What is your surname" he asked the same thing and I rolled my eyes.

"You are just a copycat babes, let's change the rules, no asking if the same question ok? I asked him and he nodded.

"And my surname is Samba" I told him

"What's your favorite color"? I asked him.

We continue with light questions until he asked me about my parents and I told him they died in an accident.

The atmosphere around us changed to a moody one and I decided to spice up the game since we finished eating.

"Ok let's change the game to another one this one is getting boring, the new game that we will be playing will be you will say two things correct about you and a wrong one, if I get to choose the one that you haven't done or you get to chose the correct one we will kiss" I elaborated.

Yes I'm a sneaky bitch, I want what I want and what I want is his lips in every hole on my body but I will have to settle for my lips just now.

He blushed and nodded

"You will have to speak out babyboy" I said.

"O-o-k-okay" he stuttered and I smiled.

"Ok so you will start this time" I replied.

"Hmm, alright, I'm shy, I love going to the club and I love New York.

"The wrong answer is you love going to the club" I knew he hated the club, he looked so out of place the first day I saw him.

"Ok my turn, I eat alot, I hate dancing,I prefer music to watching movies" I said.

"The wrong answer is you hate dancing"he replied and I laughed.

"I love traveling, I hate school, I love sleeping all day" he said

" well this is a simple one I know the wrong answer is that you hate school, we all know that you are a nerd" I responded.

"I've had a threesome, I've slept with a girl, I've kissed my manager" I said to him being aware of the fact that he wound be able to get it.

"Ahm, you have slept with a girl" he shyly responded.

"Nop, the answer is I've kissed my manager" I told him and moved closer to him.

Don't even think I will hesitate to kiss him on the first date my people, this zone is for the shameless.

I pulled his head forward using my hand that I kept at the back of his neck, I looked into his eyes and asked him

"I want to kissed you so bad can I?" I asked and he nodded.

"Words baby boy" I told him.

"Y-y-yes y-you c-can"

I didn't wait for him to say it twice and I smacked my lips on his,pulling him closer I kissed him roughly.

I moved closer to him and sat on his laps while kissing his neck

"You taste so fucking good"I moaned in his ears and felt him grow hard on my thighs.

From what I felt he was so big and it turned me on.

I placed my lips back on his after giving him a hickey on his neck, I started moving on his lap rubbing my thighs on his hard on trying to relieve myself of ache between my legs.

He moaned and slapped my ass then grabbed it hard while lifting me up to place me at a better position.

"Get a room, this is a park for heaven's sake" someone shouted and brought us out of the haze of our lip fucking.

He pulled away much to my dismay, he was blushing so hard his whole face turned red I stood up from his laps and held his hands making him to stand up with him.

"Let's go get a room" I said and wink at him.

My babies,I'm so sorry for the late update😘
Will update more often, this is a bitch's promise.

Anyways I met a guy he was cute but I like my men tall and huge,I think he likes me but the feeling is not mutually urggh I don't know how to politely turn him down🙄

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