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Two weeks, that's how long I spent in the hospital, I never liked drugs so I could understand why my body automatically shut down due to it. I was now back home and I felt emotionally and physically drained,I didn't even know where to begin from.

  First I trusted Tony which was the wrong and at the same time the worst thing i ever did,I should have seen it coming, I should have known better but I didn't which is sad. After I woke up from my semi coma as I will like to call it,I got a visitor to my surprise it was Miss Gale, I never could imagine that a professor will visit me in my hospital bed especially since I don't take her classes.

Mrs sorry Miss Gale, I keep calling her Mrs because I  keep forgetting that she is a divorcee, NYC is a big school but the rumors spread like wildfire. She was looking desperate as she explained her relationship with Tony,it was quite a shock to me as I never suspected anything. She explained how Tony was blackmailed by Lucy using their sex tape,how  Lucy told Tony to set me up if not she will expose them to the school board.
worse part is if the school board find out about their relationship Tony will be expelled and Miss Gale fired.

Honestly when I heard her explanation I didn't care I just wanted to go home and see Tristan, that was before Adam explained to me that my supposed boyfriend left the country because he thought I cheated on him  ofcourse. We spoke a lot and I got to find out that she was pregnant for Tony and it was 4months gone already,I felt for the baby. I know that if I was put in Tony's position I will do the same and even worse for the people I loved so I told Adam to go to the station and drop the case against Tony so he could be released and he did it much to his disappointment.

Second I trusted Lexi and that was so dump of me, how could I when I knew she was up to no good, I kept feeling it in my gut but I neglected it,I underestimated that idiot but as they say all is war when love is fair, I'm angry but not hurt about it,she wasn't my friend she owe my no loyalty.

Adam told me how Tristan left the country and words could not describe how hurt I felt,he didn't even wait to hear any explanation what so ever,he didn't even fight for me like Adam did,he just left at the slightest test of our relationship he  left.

Third, I can forgive anything but cowardice and Tristan is a massive Coward,how stupid of me to fall inlove with someone that was never worth my time and energy,I gave my all into making sure he doesn't feel insecure and still he did.

I've cried and cried but the tears could not bring back my baby and deep down even though I understood why Tony did what he did I couldn't forgive him for ruining my life, if he wasn't so selfish he would have made Lexi's intentions known and then maybe just maybe we could have found a solution to the problem.

I never was Balla's fan in twilight and I didn't understand why she will sit by the window because of a boy that just left but I understand her now and I respect her for going through it because I don't think I can, I don't think I can survive the pain I feel when I manage to close my eyes on the chair at my window, I can't seem to stomach anything without the thought that just weeks back I had the perfect life.

I don't know why the people in my life just leave without any permission, first my family and now Tristan, what do they expect me to do alone?, why is it that the people you love the most hurt you the most, why couldn't my love be enough for Tristan?, I considered leaving my job for him I even counted babies in my head with him.

All I do is cry and cry but it's not solving anything at this point I don't want anything, I can't remember how many times I've drove my friends away because I wanted to be alone but they still found time to be in my house even when I don't respond to them,I think they are afraid that I might do something Terrible which I can't lie I've thought of it.

Life comes at you when you least expect it,who would have thought that a boy could make me feel like shit, but here we are and if I ever pass through this and I happen to see Tristan again he will have to earn the opportunity to talk to me or be in my presence and that is a promise I have made to myself.


Forgive the short chapter I just wanted you guys to know what Lucy is going through now that she is awake.

I know I was supposed to finish this book last month but damn life is beating the shit out of me so be patient love❤️

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