'Take Responsibility'

Start from the beginning

''The girl named Luna who has been held captive seems to have escaped''

Ivor's words were too unexpected that Leo just stood there speechless for a while.

A wave of disbelief washed over the king who could not accept what he just heard , he was mad and needed to break something.

and the only thing he had in sight was Ivor...

''Louis !''

The third prince ran to hug his brother who lifted him up in his arms and smiled replying,

''Did you get enough sleep ?''

Louis asked since he knew that Edmund woke up that early just for him.

''I did ! what about you ?''

The little prince asked.

''Me too''

Louis replied lying since he barely slept last night but he would never let a single soul know of it.

All eyes were on the two princes mostly on Edmund's precious and lovely smile that was irresistible.

''Ed !''

Ezra called approaching them.


Asher said scolding.

''Sorry , let's go''

He simply replied heading towards his horse.

Louis put his brother down and smiled as he said,

''I will be back , take care of yourself and be good''

The little prince who wished for Louis to stay smiled back replying,

''Yes ! Goodbye !''

The gate opened and they rode their horses heading to the woods.

The little prince ran to the garden and was beyond happy to see that the camellias were blooming.

''Prince Edmund !''

The sisters called for him after suddenly showing up behind him.

He turned around and said nothing.

''Do you want to play ?''

Ren asked.

''Come play with us''

Reina added.

And even though he was still shy , Edmund reached out to their hands and followed them.

''What happened ?''

The red haired knight suddenly asked after approaching Ezra who was leading the way.

''I think Ivor will be the one taking responsibility over what happened last night''

He replied.

Ezra was feeling very sorry for his childhood friend and wished to save him.

He always asked Ivor to leave Leo's side , without Ivor the king would not have lasted this long but it looked like he did not want to be saved for some reason that he kept to himself.

''Let's go see him after this''

Asher replied.

He also cared for Ivor just as much as he did not like how quiet he became after Hiram's death.

And suddenly turning his back on them taking Leo's side , of course they would want an explanation but never got one.

Ezra felt a little better as he smiled replying,

''Alright , let's focus now''

Ivor walked through that empty hallway , his nose was still bleeding and his face was messed up but not as much as his whole body screaming in pain but he could not care less and kept walking towards his workroom.

Once he sat on his chair he noticed some new letters and realized that a guard left them in there since he was out.

He started checking them one by one until he saw that stamp.

''Duke Theodore ?''

He wondered while reading the content of that letter before got up and walked towards the balcony to get some fresh air.

The bleeding stopped but the pain was still there.

Not because his face was messed up but because of the dullness in his eyes that revealed just how tired he was.

Something was not allowing him to leave yet , something no one knew of.

''God please give me a break''

He said while watching the blue sky.

Elmer woke up on the birds tweets that were right by his open window's tree.

He smiled softly at the sight of Adelia who was peacefully sleeping next to him.

The prince quietly got up and realized just how painful moving around was.

He leaned against the wall seeking for a support , each step seemed to carry a weight of his pain but he kept moving forward.

And he finally made it outside the room and stood still watching those stares as he mumbled,

''You must be joking''

As all of his focus was on his battle against those stairs Elmer did not realize that someone was approaching him from behind...

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