Chapter 69: Only You

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"Eric! Eric!" Tanya called out to him.  "Only you...." her words were drowned out by  the roar of his car engine as he took off without  aknowledging her.  

He never heard the last part of her sentence.  He opened the car door threw his bag in and dropped  quickly and effortlessly into the seat as if he was three feet tall and not six feet, four inches.  Eric pulled away from the house as fast as he could.  He heard her call out to him, but he did not have the courage to look back or  respond to her.   She didn't need him.  He didn't know how long it would take, but until he accepted that she was lost to him, he could not deal with her.

Tanya stood numb as she watched the car drove away.  She told herself that he couldn't have heard or seen her.  'Did he see me ? Did he hear me calling to him?"

Her eyes fill with tears. "I want only you." She whispered to herself.    

As Eric drove along, he was fill with trepidation that he had just made things worst between him and Tanya.  And he tried to justify what he had done.  

'How long has she known me?  I am her husband, the father of her children, yet she sees me as a monster, something created in a lab...someone she could never have an intimate relationship with again.  If  I say that it didn't cross my mind that  Luke and I were  part of an experiment, I would be lying.  But what if I was?  All I have ever done is love her since the day I laid eyes on her... and I  have given  her every fucking thing  she ever needed or wanted, including my heart.  Friendship Lloyd had suggested? No fucking way.  I love her too much to be  just her friend.'  

He didn't know how some people did it ...become friends with their exes. He wanted no part of the friend zone  with her.  

'I should  go back. See what she wants.'

The tears were coming faster than he could wipe them away.  He was just driving without any sense of direction.  He pulled off the road and came to a stop.  He wept...for her, for them, for their children.  'I love her so fucking much.'

He heard a car braked and stopped behind him.  He looked up through the rear view mirror.  

'Who the fuck is driving my truck? Lloyd?'   

The truck door slowly opened, and  he soon realized it wasn't Lloyd.  'Fuck, it's her!'  

Tanya stood by the driver's door of the truck as if she was afraid to move.  Eric quickly wiped the tears from his face.  He got out from the car.  He noticed, that  there was another car stopped direcly behind the truck.  It was Robert, Tanya's  body guard, the guy Eric vetted and asigned to Tanya and the kids.  He watched as she turned and signaled to Robert with her hand to leave,  but Robert knew better. He refused to leave her alone...even with Eric, his boss.  

'If I  wasn't so heartbroken, I  would find this shit comical.' 

Tanya turned  to her body guard.  "Go! This is my husband; I will be just fine with him."

"I know who he is Miss Will.  He hired me." 

Tanya looked from one man to the other.   'I should have known that Robert was his choice.' 

Eric thought Robert did the right thing not leaving her.  After he and Lloyd had put together the security firm, he had given the  team strict orders on 24/7 security for Tanya and the kids. 

Tanya  turned towards Eric. "Eric could you tell him to go.  I need to you in private." 

Eric looked over at Robert.  He was a hot head, very much like Eric.  There was even a rumor that Robert  might be Rick's son.  Of course Rick  denied it, maybe because Robert's mother was a married woman and neither of them needed the scandal.  But Rob was perfect for the job.  Two years in the military and four years on the police force, he was the perfect recruit for their security business.   He took his job extremely serious.  He didn't take any bull shit from Tanya or Ericka. 

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