Chapter 54. The Big Reveal

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 Lloyd teased Eric as the two drove along.  "You are really scared of Tanya, aren't you?"

"I am not scared of her.  I am just grateful for the peace and quiet in my life and I dont want to get back to that place where we were."

"But having to explain your every move to her tells me that you two are still not at a place where I would call stable.  Looks to me like she still doesn't trust your ass."

"Call it any fucking thing you like.  Me telling her that I am going to see my uncle and that I will be late coming home  shows respect.  I would expect the same from her." Eric defended himself

Eric and Lloyd arrived at Linden's compound later that evening.  Linden greeted the two brothers.  "Welcome, welcome to my humble abode." Eric smiled. There was nothing humble about Linden's home.  He lived above sea level in a  sprawling ten thousand sq feet house flanked by several small cabin like structures where his security resided.  It was like a fortress. No one could get in or get out without  him knowing.  Not even the police could enter his compound without permission from Linden.  

Linden hugged each brother.  He didn't have to ask why they were there.  He knew.  He asked if they were hungry.  They both nodded no.  

Linden smiled.  "I was thinking about you just a while ago Eric.  Rick told me that he fired you and I thought  how fitting for what I have in mind for you." 

Eric looked at his uncle.  "What? Dont even think it. I am not doing that." 

"Chill Aya.  That couldn't be farther from what I have in mind."

"Then what?" 

"You are young,  bright well educated, you love people; you are empathetic."

"Get on with it," Eric prompted.

"There is an election coming up. We dont have any Willbrooks in the government to speak of. Run for Prime Minister of the island." Linden said.


"Yea you, then we would fucking own the island." Linden said.

"You already own the island." Eric responded.

 "Let's make it all legal." 

  "I dont know about that Uncle Linden.  I am too rough around the edges for that.  I tend to say what is on my mind and not what  is  politically correct." 

"We will talk more about that.  let's go to my office.  Judging by the look on your faces this visit  is about  business and not pleasure."

They made their way towards Linden's office, Linden leading the way, followed by Eric and then Lloyd." 

They were intercepted by some of  Linden's brood... one of whom was Stephanie.  The little girl ran straight for Eric.  She stood in Eric's path stopping him in his tracks.  She was a heart stoppingly  beautiful little girl.  Her long curly jet black  hair hung loosely  down her back.  Eric was caught off guard by her boldness.  But that was not  what  froze him to the spot.  She reminded him of someone.  'Fuck, Lloyd is right, she is the spitting image of  Sahita as a girl.'  He could see the portrait  of his mother in his mind among  the family portraits  that lined the  wall off the sitting room in his childhood home.  

'Do I even need to see what is in that envelope? The proof is standing right in front of me.' 

She stood in front of Eric blocking his entrance into Linden's office.  The three men stopped.  Stephanie looked up at Eric and without saying a word held up both arms in a gesture to Eric to pick her up.  The trio looked at each other.   Linden seeing how uncomfortable Eric was quickly came to the rescue.  

Consequences ( Book 3 in the Hijacked Of Innocence Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora