Chapter 15 Love or Control?

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Eric felt like punching the woman that was supposedly his mother-in-law.  He had never seen her as such, not after the way she treated her own daughter.  He gave in to Tanya and Daphne and allowed Ericka to have a relationship with her grandmother, but he was definitely having second thoughts about agreeing to that now.  He was seeing firsthand who this woman was.  She was just as evil as his mother Sahita, he thought.  He was glad that Daphne had pushed Edie from the room before he did something that he would regret or not regret.  

Eric looked over at Tanya.  "Did you hear what your mother said about our kids.  She called them spawns and pray that you lose the baby and you said as much that you care nothing for our baby."  

"You are all driving me crazy.  I just want to go home," she cried.

"You can leave when the doctor says you can," Eric said. 

Eric spent the night in the hospital with Tanya.  He did not trust Tanya and her family.  He was afraid that if he left her, he might never see her or the baby again.  

The contractions subsided overnight, and her doctor came in after she had breakfast next morning and told them that she could go home but only if she promised to take it easy and stay off her feet.  Tanya rolled her eyes at the doctor.  "What can I do but sit on my ass with a sprain ankle?" 

"I will ensure that she does stay off her feet Doc." Eric assured the doctor.

Tanya looked at Eric.  "I am going home with Mom not with you," she said.

"Are you fucking with me right now?" He asked.

The doctor looked from Eric to the Tanya. "You can work that out between you but, if she does not do as I say she will have that baby prematurely and I cannot guarantee the wellbeing of the child."  The doctor seems as frustrated with Tanya as Eric was.  He left them to work out their living arrangement.

"Why are you doing this to me, to us? Why are you going out of your way to hurt me?" Eric asked.

"You hurt me when you went off and fucked Mila; you hurt me when you decided to turn on my family by hurting my brother," Tanya said.

"Do you even care to know the truth of what happened with Kenny?! Do you want to know how your precious brother ganged up on me and Lloyd...six of them against the two of us?"

Tanya closed her eyes.  "You have Lloyd trained to say and do whatever you want.  You are too intense Eric, I just can't deal with you right now," she said.

"I am too intense? What the fuck that even means? When did I become too intense for you Tanya? Since your family suddenly decided to come back into your life?" he asked.

"I am not going to fight with you; I am going home with my mother," She defiantly told him. 

"No, you are not fucking going home with that witch because if anything happens to my baby, I will have to fucking kill her," Eric shouted. 

"There you go again talking of killing.  Isn't my father's death enough for you? He died at your hands Eric and then you tried to kill Kenny," she said.

"Tried to kill Kenny? If I wanted that prick dead, he would be dead and in case you have forgotten, your father tried to kill you.  I saved your ass by your own account of what happened," Eric reminded her.  

"I am going home with my mother," she said through gritted teeth.

Lloyd walked in at that moment.  There was so much tension in the room. "What is going on?" 

Tanya and Eric looked at each other but did not answer.  "Well, how are you feeling Tanya?" Lloyd asked.  

"I am good, they say my ankle is not broken but it feels broken.  They claim it is just a bad sprain," she told him.

Consequences ( Book 3 in the Hijacked Of Innocence Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora