Chapter 8. Eric 3.0

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She was driving absent minded along when suddenly a car pulled in front of her and started driving slowly. She tried to get around him but couldn't; there was a car right next to her also going slow.  'Mother fucker' she cursed.  Suddenly the car in front stopped, making Tanya slammed on her breaks too. Before she could figure out what was going on. Some one got out of the car and started walking towards her. The person had on very dark sunglasses and black attire. She immediately thought abduction. "Wait Luke? No that can't be Luke. He could not be that stupid. Who is that?" It was like she was back in New York again...deja vu.  

Tanya couldn't believe what she she was seeing.   She pulled off her sunglasses and rolled down the window to her car so she could get a better view.   She  froze.  Her jaw dropped open. "No, that cant  be him.  What has he done?" she whispered to herself.   Her eyes overflowed with  tears and trickled  down her face.  She didn't know why exactly she cried but  she felt  something shift within her that she had never felt before.  There was something about  this person walking toward her that sent a chill down her spine.  She had seen him before but not in this life.  He stopped at the window and without saying anything, he reached through the window and took her keys.  

Ericka was bouncing in her car seat.  "Daddy! Daddy!" she screamed.  Tanya did not recognize the man standing in front of her as her husband.  It was as if this was Eric 3.0, but Ericka knew who he was immediately and couldn't wait to get to him.  "I want Daddy," she said.  He opened the back door and freed Ericka from her seat  and lifted her out.  She wrapped her tiny arms around his neck and squeezed him as tight as she could.  "I mss you too Babe," he said as he  carried her to his car.   

Tanya quickly came to life and slid out  from the car and ran after him.  "What are you doing?" She shouted.

He took Ericka to his car and buckled  her in her seat.  "Daddy is Mommy coming too?" The child asked.  

"No sweetheart, Mommy has somewhere to go," he told Ericka.  

 Tanya  tried to get the car door open so she could  get  Ericka away from him, but Eric was way too strong for her.  She hit him and kicked him as she screamed at him to give  Ericka  back to  her.

"Tanya stop! You are going to get hurt," he said.

"And what do you think you are doing by taking my child?" She cried as she punched him and kicked him. Ericka started crying and calling for her mommy to stop hitting her daddy. "Not nice Mommy.  Stop," Ericka cried. 

Eric grabbed Tanya  up by the top of her dress.  "I am not going to tell you again to stop.  I would hate to have to kill your ass with my baby still  in there," Eric whisper  shouted. 

"Your baby? Are you sure it is your baby?" 

Eric smiled a wicked smile and shook his head.  "To be honest, I am not sure about anything you tell me anymore.  that being said, she is mine and  he is mine regardless of what the truth is," he said pointing at Ericka and the baby in her stomach.

"I hate you," she screamed.

She  spat in his face. He wiped the spit from his face and wiped it on Tanya's dress.

"You do that again and you will be fucking sorry.  You have no idea who  you are dealing with Tanya.  I dont even know who I am.  Dont let me have you admitted and this baby removed by C section.  I think  he could survive  on his own at this stage," he said. 

Tanya gasped.  "You are crazy!" 

"Yes, I am crazy.  You drove me crazy.  "I think you should go to New York...after  the baby is born," he said.

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