Chapter 45. HOPE

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Eric was still pissed at Dee.  She was feeding Ericka breakfast as he walked  into the kitchen next morning.   

"Daddy," Ericka screamed.

He picked her up and kissed her.  "Hi Princess.  Can you finish breakfast here with Becky.  I need to speak to Dee in my office."

Becky looked at Dee and shook her head.  

"Can I go to work with you Daddy.  There is no school today." Ericka said.  

Eric shook his head.  She was always bargaining with him.  If he asked her to do something, she would ask something of him in return.  'Perfect choice to run Willbrooks one day.'

"If you finish your breakfast and be a good girl for Becky, you can come with me,"

Ericka giggled and digged into her food.

"Dee, my office, now."

Dee got up and followed  Eric.

"Close the door and sit." He told her. 

"If you are going to fire me then I would rather stand."

"Sit the fuck down." He shouted.

Dee quickly sat down.

"Now, what the fuck was that all about last night?"

"I am sorry, I had no right talking back at you like that." 

"Talk back? You were fucking spying on the third floor."

"I told you what I was doing up there. Ask your wife."

"I dont trust you, and If I cant trust you, then you can't stay." 

He pulled out a wad of cash from his pocket and pushed it toward her. "Pack your shit, you are out of here.  I will have someone drive you home."

Dee folded her arms and stood up.  "You said that I work for Tanya, I mean  Mrs. Willbrooks  so shouldn't she  be the one to fire me?"  

"See that is your problem.  You dont know when to shut up.  Now go pack your shit and get the fuck out of my house,  NOW."  


Dee walked into the room as Tanya breastfed the baby.  She had a bag pack on her back and two bags in each hand.  "Goodbye Mrs. Willbrooks."

'Mrs Willbrooks? goodbye?' 

"Goodbye? Where are you going?"

"I was fired."

"Fired? By whom? Eric?" 

"Yes Mam."

"Why? What did you do? And dont lie to me."

"I talked back to him mam," 

"You talked back to him before and he didn't fire you."

Dee shrugged her shoulders.

"Dont lie to me.  What happened?"

"I was up here last night checking on EJ as you asked me to.  He thought that I was up here

eavesdropping on you and him."

Tanya didn't have to ask anymore.  She knew what happened.

"Were you?"

"No mam.  I was looking in on the baby."

"Ok go put your things back.  I will talk to Eric."   

Eric was back home by lunch time with sleeping Ericka.  He put Ericka down and joined Tanya out on the back deck.

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