Chapter 46. MY HERO

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"Mama, say Mama," Tanya kept coaxing EJ, but he would not say it, instead he offered her the piece of toast he was nibbling on.

"Come on EJ, say Mama,"

Eric walked into the room and shook his head.  EJ was only seven months old yet Tanya had been trying for the longest time to get EJ to say Mama.  "You ok?" He asked as he reached for a cup and poured himself a cup of coffee.

Tanya looked up.  "Yes why? Oh want me to fix you a plate?"

He thought that she was over doing this super woman thing." No, relax I can fix my own plate." 

He joined her and EJ at the breakfast nook. "You tossed and turned again all night.  Are you still having those dreams about St Bart ?  You know that you can talk to me if something is bothering you." 

She looked at him.  'Should I tell him what is bothering me?'  

Just then Ericka ran into the room.  EJ stiffened his legs and arms and screamed excitedly at seeing his sister.  

Ericka kissed and hugged EJ. She poked him in the stomach and he just laughed and laughed. 

"I never get that kind of greeting." Eric said.

Tanya smiled.  "Neither do I."  She put some scrambled eggs and a piece of toast on a plate for Ericka.

Ericka looked at the plate and pushed it away from her.  "I dont want that."

Eric got up and headed over to the stove and poured her some cornmeal porridge in a bowl.  "Here eat."

Ericka pushed that away as well.  She was irritating both her parents.

"What do you want Ericka?" Tanya asked.

She looked at her father who was looking back at her with a grim expression.  She pointed to the box of cereal.  

"You cant have cereal for dinner and breakfast.  you had that last night." Tanya said.

"Dont argue with her.  If you are not finish eating in ten minutes, I am leaving you and that means no school today." Eric calmly told the pouting Ericka.

Ericka busted out crying.  "You are a meanie Daddy. I want to go to school." 

"Then eat." Eric said looking at his Rolex watch. Tanya gave him the watch as a peace offering after she shot him.  She knew that he was not a watch person  but  wanted to gift him the watch for formal occasions.  He wore it everyday.  Was it a reminder to him to be a good boy? She wondered.

She looked at him under her lashes .  'I wonder why he never takes it off?'  

Ericka quickly wiped the tears from her face  and quickly reached for her porridge and started  to eat.

"Dont hurry, I will wait for you to finish eating," Eric told Ericka.  

Tanya  looked at her husband  and she smiled at him.   It never cease to amaze her how he calmly handles Ericka, everytime.

Eric looked at his wife.  He thought that she  looked tired.  Being super woman was hard work.  Running a multimillion dollar operation while being a mother to two small children and a wife to him was taking a toll on her.

"Hey, datenight tonight?" 

Tanya smiled knowing what that meant.  She looked forward to that time with her husband where he totally doted over her.  It was always about her needs.  "Yes I am looking forward to it." she said.

"Anything special you want to do?" He winked at her.

Again she smiled. "Yea I have a few things in mind, but  we dont have to leave home for what I have in mind.  I better get EJ ready to leave."  

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