Chapter 60. Only Jah Knows

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Eric sat across the table from his Uncle Linden.  The conversation they were having  was disturbing to say the least.  That Stephanie could be his little sister was impossible by any normal means.  He was sure that his mother didn't give birth to the kid who looked exactly like her.  

Traveling from the island to the States, Eric had a lot of time to think.  He was torn.  He didn't know what to hope for.  Despite what  he thought would happen in his marriage, he  hoped that the DNA tests done on the island were incorrect and him and Mila were indeed the biological parents of Stephanie.  That he could live with and deal with.

He  did not want to deal with the horror of  the alternative ... of what his mother had done,  but unfortunately the tests were correct.  Neither him nor Mila was Staphanie biological parent which left them grappling with the unthinkable.  

He thought the whole thing was fucking with his mind.  Eric was afraid to hear what else his uncle had to say.   What his uncle said before  was making his head spin. He wondered if he should continue to listen or walk away.  He was sure  that  whatever else he had to say would  send him over the edge.  He tried to clear his mind of what was bubling up inside. 

"Could my mother be that devious? What if I am also a science project ... Me and Luke? 

"The first scenario that the kid is my sister seems impossible to me.  How is that possible when my mother was never pregnant in the last five years?"  Eric asked his uncle.

"You are living in denial Eric. You need to face the truth of what Sahita and Seena did."

Eric kept shaking his head.  Linden looked at Eric and he could read him like a book.  He knew where Eric's mind  was going. Linden got up and walked over to the large wall of  mirrors and beckoned Eric to join him. 

"Come over here."  

Eric reluctantly got up and walked over to his uncle.  Linden put his arms around Eric's shoulders.  Eric wondered what the point was for them to be standing in front of a mirror looking at themselves.

Linden removed his dark glasses. "I know what  is going through your head son.  Well here is your answer.  Look closely at us and tell me what you see."

"See? I see the two of us standing like idiots looking at ourselves in the mirror."

"Look again son.  Look closely at the two of us and tell me  that you are not a Willbrooks." 

"I thought you all think that I look like my mother." 

Linden smiled.   "Yea you look like her,  but you also look like us ...Willbrooks,  Look closely son."

Eric looked at his uncle's reflection in the mirror.  They were similar in height, the lopsided smile was the same.  The  lips were similar even the nose, but the eyes and forehead were deffinitely Sahita's.

"Ok I see some Willbrooks in there but how do you explain Luke?"  Eric said. 

"Luke? Look Aya, I have my own theory of how Luke fit into the picture, but let's handle one mystery at a time, seen?"

Eric nodded in agreement. "Ok, then how do you really explain this mystery with Stephanie.  What is the  second theory because the first one makes no sense to me." 

"The second scenario makes even less sense."  


As they walked back to the table, Meana walked in with Stephanie, carrying several bags and packages.  Meana was Linden's oldest daughter.  They all made the trip to get the DNA tests done. He brought Meana  along on the trip to help with Stephanie and he promised her  that she would be able to do some Christmas shopping. 

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