Chapter 34. The Choice

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"Fuck man don't just stand there, fucking do something. She is bleeding out." Eric shouted. 

Luke still held the baby in his arms, frozen to the spot. Eric could see the question in his eyes and he knew the only answer there could be. Luke waited for Eric to say the word, although he had already made his decision. 

"Her," Eric shouted.  What  else  could he say? This was a choice  between Tanya and his son, who could it be?  

"The placenta, it didn't come out, fuck," Luke said.  

He pressed down on her stomach but only gush of blood was expelled.  "She needs surgery ... and blood." Luke said.   

Eric fell to his knees.  "If you go I go too." He cried.  

"No, Ericka," she whispered and passed out.

There was a knock on the door and in walked three men and a woman, all dressed in blue scrubs and wearing surgical masks. There was no introduction.  Two of the men and the woman hurried over to Tanya and just took over, giving orders, while the other man went over to the baby, who still hadn't cried.


Eric paced the small space. There was not much room in the intensive care unit. There was only enough space for one person and the attending nurse. Whenever the doctor came in, he had to  leave to give them room, even though he wanted to stay. The nurse checked Tanya's vitals. The woman was older, maybe in her forties. She reminded him of his Nana. She was mixed like his Nana, with definitely some Asian blood, maybe Philippino. There were quite a few people from the Philippines living on St. Bart.

"How is she?" Eric asked.

"That is the third time in five minutes you have asked that question."

"Well?" Eric was just mad at the world.

"She is holding her own Mr. Willbrooks, no better no worst. Why don't you go home and get some sleep?"

"Is that all you all can say? She is holding her own?  What does that even mean?" He was getting angry.

"Go home Mr. Willbrooks.  You look exhausted."  

"Home? Home is where ever she is. I am not leaving this place until she opens her eyes and I know she is ok."

"She lost a lot of blood. She is lucky to be alive."

Eric looked over at his wife.   'A miracle is more like it'  

"Yea I have never seen so much blood in my life. That team of doctors arrived just in time."

The nurse looked at him. "Team of doctors? What team of doctors?"

Eric looked at her with confusion. "The doctors who came here with her."

"Your wife was here when I started my shift, I didn't see a team of doctors."

Eric described the doctors who saved Tanya and who came with her to the hospital.

"I don't know who you speak of. The one with the olive skin and green eyes sound sumptious; I would remember him if he worked here." The woman said.

Eric knew that he was tired.  He hadn't slept in two days, but  he was not  hallucinating about what happened in that house and at the hospital. "The doctor that just came in here, you don't know him?"

"Dr Ellis is the only doctor I have seen in here and he does not fit any of the description you gave. As you can see for yourself  Dr. Ellis is not old but I would not call him young either." 

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