Chapter 32. Only Magic

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Tanya paced back and forth. She wiped the tears from her face. This wasn't a time for crying; it was a time for thinking. She tried to revert back to all her dad taught them about survival as children. He was particular about educating his girls about not being a victim or a statistic. She recalled him telling her that she was special and that she had special powers. She had no clue what he meant. When she asked, he would only say when the situation arise she would know what to do. She could not think of a situation worst than the one she found herself in. People were trying to kill her and take her baby.  

"Oh Daddy please help me! What is this special power you speak of?"

She lay back on the bed and closed her eyes. She tried hard to concentrate. 'Maybe I can wish myself home.'

What happened next was beyond weird. She should be scared, but she was not. She felt like she was having an out of body experience. She could see herself lying on the bed, but she was more of an observer, looking at herself. She was aware of a another consciousness in the room.

'Who is it?' Daddy?! Daddy is that you?'

'This is only the tip of the iceberg baby girl; you can save yourself; you can do it baby girl'

She could hear voices outside the door and she was suddenly brought back from the trance.

'What was that? Was that really Daddy talking to me?"

Tanya tried to get off the bed but her feet felt frozen. She hobbled to the door so she could hear better what was said. She was shocked to her core.

Tanya froze. 'What the fuck?'

"And what are you doing down here?"  Seena asked.

"I was about to go see Tanya."  said a very familiar voice.

 'Didi?! Is that Didi Rawlings?!  What is she doing here? Is she part of the plan to get rid of me?'

Seena was clearly agitated.  "Why would you want to see her? We agreed that you would keep a low profile." 

"Didi smiled. "You and Sahita may look alike but you two are nothing alike.  I trust Sahita but I sure as hell dont trust you."

Seena smiled a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "I am glad you realize that me and my sister are not alike Didi.   I am nothing like Sahita. I am the evil twin and I was blessed with all the brains."

"Sister? You and Sahita are sisters? I thought she said cousins. 

"Be careful who you trust.  Nothing is as it seems around here." Seena warned.

"Once I take that baby off your hands, I am out of here.  Eric will thank me for saving his child.  Did Tanya tell you how far along she is?" Didi asked.

'Now  that  heffer Didi wants my baby too.  I guess Seena will have to play the role of Solomon and offer to split the baby in two, so Didi and Sahita can  both have half' 

"No, she didn't, look why don't you go have something to eat. I will check on Tanya." Seena said.

"You never said why Eric and Luke look so identical ... even if they are cousins." Didi said.

"You are smarter than you look. No Didi, that is correct.  Why would I say shit to you about that? And a word of advice, you think that you love Eric but beware, he will slit your throat at the drop of a dime if you cross him. You been warned."

Didi gently massaged her throat. "And Luke? Is he as deadly?" 

Seena smirked. "You would do best to stay away from both my boys."

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