Chapter 35. "Say Something"

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Tanya was away in her mind spending time with her father. Tanya woke up a day later to the voice of her sister Jess crying.  

"Babygirl it's time you go back; Jess needs you and your children need you." Her father told her.

"But I want to stay with you Daddy."

"No baby girl, you can't.  It is not your time. You have ways to go raising your children and looking out for Jess." He told her.

"Tanya please wake up," Jess cried as she sat on the bed with her head laying on Tanya .

Tanya opened her eyes. "Jess?" She whispered.

Jess raised her head and screamed. She almost mauled her sister if not for Lloyd pulling her off.

Lloyd shook his head no.  "She is fragile now Jess, be gentle."

Tanya looked at Lloyd and smiled. "You found her?"

"I told you that I would. Do I ever break a promise to you?"

He kissed her on the forehead.  "Wecome back to the land of the living." 

Tanya smiled. "No you haven't broken a promise to me yet,"

"Good to see you awake princess. Don't scare me like that ever again."

She looked around the room. "Eric, where is Eric?"

"Down the hall, they won't allow more than one visitor at a time; I had to beg them to let Jess come in with me. I knew you would wake up once you heard her voice?"

Tanya grabbed onto her belly in a panic. "The baby, what happened to the baby?" she asked petrified.

"He is upstairs. He looks so much like Eric." Jess said.  

"He is perfect." Lloyd added.

"Let me get your doctor. They will want to move you to a bigger room. And then you can see the new Willbrooks addition."

Tanya's face dropped. "I don't want to see him. I mean not yet." She clarified.

Jess looked at Lloyd. "Take your time princess. I heard about all you have been through."

Eric walked back into the room and was shocked, yet elated to see Tanya awake and talking. He rushed over to her, sat on the edge of the bed and held her to him. "Fuck it feels so fucking good to see you awake babe."

He held her to him afraid that it was just a dream. "Tell me I am not dreaming.  You scared the fuck out of me Babe. I thought that  I would lose you." He said wiping the tear from his face.

"Want to see our son?" he asked.

"No ... I am not ready."

Eric looked at Lloyd and Lloyd shook his head sending a silent message to Eric.

The nurse and Tanya's doctor walked in. "How did all of you get passes to come in here? You know the rules." The nurse scolded.

"We are getting out of here." Eric said.

The doctor asked them to step out of the room so he could examine Tanya. They all reluctantly left.

"We promise not to run off with her," The nurse teased.

"So fucking annoying." Eric said under his breath.

Eric looked at Lloyd. "Where is Jess? You think it's a good idea letting her out of your sight?"

"Don't start; she went to see the baby. She is enamored by him."

"So what did you and Tanya talk about?"

Consequences ( Book 3 in the Hijacked Of Innocence Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang