Chapter 7. War of The Willbrooks

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Lloyd reached for the bottle of rum but Eric grabbed on to it and held it away from him. "Leave my shit alone."   

Lloyd couldn't figure out what was going on. How did Luke fit into all of this? He had no idea but he was about to find out. "What did Luke do?" Lloyd asked. 

"Don't act like you don't fucking know. I asked you time and again if there was anything, ANYTHING I needed to know, and you looked me in the fucking eye and told me, there was nothing," Eric shouted.

"Look, I did not lie to you. I felt it was up to Tanya to tell you that, not me!" Lloyd shouted back.

Eric brought his fist down hard on his desk.   "All of you were fucking laughing at me behind my back."

"No one laughed at you.  We were all happy that finally you had found happiness with the one girl you loved so much and fought like hell to keep." Lloyd said. 

"Well thanks fuck my mother thought differently," 

 "Sahita told you about Luke? When? How?"

"Look I don't want to fucking talk about the fact that my cousin fucked my wife." Eric said through gritted teeth.

"To be honest, I know very little about what happened with her and Luke, because you never shared much.  Look put down the damn bottle and let's go out and get some breakfast."

"Breakfast? Now?"

"Yea breakfast.  Becky made fucking porridge again; either she thinks we don't have teeth or  Ericka is the only one she is cooking for.  Bertha makes the best run down. I could eat some with green banana and dumplings," Lloyd said. "Come on man, some fresh air and a change of scenery will do you good." 


They walked into Bertha's place and she hurried over and gave both of them a tight hug. Eric's hug lingered a bit longer.  "What the fuck?" Eric mouthed to Lloyd.  Lloyd grinned at him.  New Eric had no clue who Bertha was.  Bertha's Shack was just that, a shack, a grab and go style eatery, but the food rivaled any of the upscale restaurants in the area. The food was that good.  There were a couple of tables with stools outside and a couple inside to accommodate the few who wanted sit and eat there. 

Lloyd recalled the night  he and Eirc met Bertha.  One could see that she was a beautiful girl hidden beneath all that makeup and not much older than them.  Even with all the makeup one could  see that she  was badly bruised, most likely by her pimp, but she was dressed like a professional hooker and out that night trying to make money.  She approached Eric, then looked at Lloyd as if she couldn't decide which one of them to offer her service.  She chose Eric.  Lloyd thought that it was a mystery how most women  were intimidated by  Eric, yet  like a magnet  they were drawn to him.  

Eric looked at Lloyd and smiled that crooked smile which always meant that he was up to no good.  He asked Bertha how much it would cost for two hours with the two of them.  Lloyd remembered seeing raw fear in the girl's eye, but then she smiled and said no problem and gave him her price.  Eric shocked her...and him when he pulled up to Sharon's restaurant for dinner instead of some motel for sex.  

during dinner Eric asked her what she wanted out of life.  Bertha looked around and told him that she was a good cook and that she wanted a place just like Sharon's restaurant.  Eric told her that was cool, but that she needed to crawl before she walked.  He offered her the money to open the little food shack.  Bertha almost choked on her food in shock.  That was how he rolled...old Eric or new Eric was always looking out for the down trodden. 

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