Chapter 17. Love Hurts

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It was almost a week since Eric brought Tanya home from the hospital.  Life was just hell living with her.  She was still mad at him for not allowing her to go stay with her mother. She exhibited a level of anger towards him that he had never seen from her before. She just sank into a deep depression. Sometimes he would watch her out of sight, and she would just stare off into space. Her food often ended up in his face. He had so many bumps and bruises on his body from things Tanya just threw at him.  

She wanted him to respond in kind, but he was not going there. He could never hit her. He completely understood why she was acting out. She wanted out of the marriage but for him that was not an option. He had six months to make things right. He was dying to get close to her to start to mend their relationship, but she wouldn't let him.

She wore the sexiest clothes. He never thought a pregnant woman could be that sexy. She wore the skimpiest of clothing to taunt him, and he walked around with a permanent erection. He got so aroused from just looking at her. She was such a damn tease, he thought. Like clockwork he would go up to her suite every night and knock on the door begging her to let him in. Dee had him as a laughingstock.

"You can knock on my door anytime; I will let you in," Dee teased.

Tanya was punishing him in the worst way, no intimacy, no physical contact. If she was laughing and playing with Ericka, the minute she saw him her whole countenance changed as if she couldn't stand to be around him. Eric kept telling her how much he loved her but all he got was a dirty look and a hiss of her teeth. He pushed his way into her room one night after they put down Ericka. He gently touched her face.

"I need my wife, can't you tell?" he asked.

"Stay away from me, I would rather be run over by a truck," she told him. He bit his bottom lip in anger at what she said but he tried to maintain his self-control. He never thought he would ever hear Tanya talk like that. He hoped to use the six months deal he made with her to work at getting them close again, but he couldn't  even get close to her. She hated to even hear his voice.  

"So, it is really over?" he asked.

"Yes Eric, can't you tell? I am counting down the days; once I have this kid you can have it  and I am gone" she said.

"You would walk away from your children, just like that, like an animal?" Eric asked.

"It is you whom I am walking away from, running. I love my children, but I would walk away from them if it meant never having to see your face again," she told him with much venom in her tone. Eric had heard enough.  'That fucking hurts.'   

"Your family has gotten into your head and poison your mind against not just me but against your own kids.  I tell you what, you have the baby, and you can get your ass out of here and go to them."

"What don't you get that he is not your baby? Why would you want to be saddled with someone's child?" She asked taunting him.

Eric looked at her and he did not recognize who was standing in front of him.  He thought that it was callous to sow  such doubt  in his mind.  "And what don't you get? He stays with me, they both stay with me regardless of who you claim fucked you and got you pregnant." 

He walked away from her angered at what she said. He showered and left the house.  She watched him from one of the windows upstairs as he walked to his car.  He revved the engine and took off at warp speed down the driveway.  

'Fuck her'

Jimmy, Lloyd and Billy were already at the card table playing poker when Eric arrived. They all cheered as Eric took a seat. These were his poker playing buddies and it had been quite a while since Eric joined them for a night of some serious poker playing.

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