Chapter 50. Her Move.

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To say Edie was upset with Tanya about letting the Willbrooks build the shopping center was an understatement.  Tanya tried to explain her reasoning.  Edie paced the floor disturbed by what Tanya told her. She could not believe that  Tanya went back on her word. 

"How can I believe anything you tell me from here on? You gave me your word that the Willbrooks would not be involved in anything to do with the business." Edie said. 

"Mom you are not seeing the full picture.  I promised you that Eric and his family will have no say in how we run the business and they wont.   They are building the shopping center because I trust Eric  to do it right  and let's face it they are the best  construction company in this hemisphere. Did I mention that  the price is also the best?" Tanya pointed out. 

"I dont care about all that, use someone else." 

"Mom, I am no fool.   We are not going to pay another company  more money to build us an inferior  structure.  Eric wanted to have nothing to do with this project.  I pulled a lot of shit on him to get him to take this on. You need to trust me on this."

Edie looked at her daughter.  She was proud of her.  "To be honest, the business has been doing much better since you took it over, so I will trust you on this, but I dont want him to have any say in this business.  I dont care that he gave you the money to buy me out.  They cannot have control on any part of the business.  Do we agree on that?"  

"I totally agree on that.  I will not break that promise to you Mommy.  Eric wants no part of this. He feels the same way you do."


Eric had been away on business for a couple of days and missed Tanya so much even though they talked several times per day.  The minute his plane landed, he jumped in his car and headed towards  Tanya's place of work.  He kept away from the place because he didn't want to run into Tanya's mother, but he could not wait till night to see Tanya.  He walked into the store.  Edie was at the counter serving someone.  She looked up and saw Eric and frowned.  

"Mrs Johnson." Eric said and kept walking up the stairs to Tanya's office.   Edie didn't answer and he didn't look back.  Tanya was on the phone and she immediately cut the call short and jumped into his arms and kissed him long and passionately.  They were lost in each other and was brought back to reality when EJ yelled.  "Dada, Dada"  

Eric smiled at EJ, then at Tanya.  "I have to go away more often.  I love this welcome home." 

He released Tanya  and picked up EJ from his playpen that was situated right across from Tanya's desk.  Tanya had a full nursery built for EJ right next door to her office.  Eric heist EJ in the air and the baby just laughed and laughed. 

"You stink," Eric said to EJ. 

He quickly grabbed a diaper  and wash cloth and changed the baby as Tanya looked on.  

"Did you have lunch already?" Eric asked.

"No, Mommy usually brings enough food for all of us here."

"Want to go out and grab something to eat quick?" Eric asked.

Tanya looked at EJ.  Dee just stepped out.  I will ask Mom to watch him."  

Eric frowned.  "No, we will take him with us." 

"Eric, you need to give a little.  He will be just fine with Mommy."

"No, we will take him.  Grab his stroller and I will get him dressed."

Consequences ( Book 3 in the Hijacked Of Innocence Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant