Chapter 16. Love is Not Enough

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"If I truly love you I would let you go? What happen to the vow you told me that we made to stay together always? I don't remember making it, but I believe what you told me.  Looks like we have been through hell over the years and we are still together, why do you want to go now when we just found happiness?" he asked.  

"You brought another child into the picture. It is driving me crazy; I can't deal with it," She said patting her eyes with the edge of the sheet.

Eric closed his eyes. "I am so fucking sorry babe.  That shouldn't have happened, but I can promise you that the kid will never be a part of our life," he said. 

"I will always know that she is out there," she said.

Eric looked at Tanya.  Her Jekyll and Hyde attitude was driving him crazy.  

"We spent the most amazing night together two nights ago.  I thought the shit with Mila although not completely behind us, was heading in the right direction.   I felt your love then, but now you look at me as if you hate me," he said desperately trying to understand what was going on with her.  

"I could never hate you. Love is just not enough for us," she said.  

"Not enough? Love kept us together all these years, why isn't it enough for us now?" 

"We are not happy Eric.  I need to be HAPPY!" she shouted.  

"And you think that you can find happiness with someone else...that you don't love?" 

"I don't know, if not love then maybe peace.  I am sick of the chaos,"

Eric got up to leave. "Where are you going?" Tanya asked.

"Why do you want to know?" he asked.

"I just thought that you were going to...stay in here," Tanya said.

Eric shook his head. He could not figure her out. "You want me to sleep in here...with you?

"I am just asking. You could sleep anywhere you want," she told him.

"I will be out there," Eric said pointing to the deck off the master suite. He would love nothing more than to sleep wrapped up with her.  All he needed was to be close to her, but she was making him think hard about her mental state.  She had changed so much and he thought that her mother and brother were responsible for that change. He did not want a knife in his chest or back as he slept.

Eric slept out on the deck close enough to Tanya to keep an eye on her and far enough away to ensure his safety.  He had very little sleep with his mind going a mild a minute.  He just could not shut it down.  He was up before 5AM and went to his gym to let off some steam. He was surprised to see Lloyd there that early. "Want to box?" Eric asked

Lloyd looked at his brother and quickly shook his head no. "Your ass is angry, so I will take a pass on that; last time you had that look you fucked me over forgetting that we were just working out,"

"Fucking sissy," Eric said.

"Asshole," Lloyd said.

"What is the story with you and Tanya now? She still mad about Kenny getting his ass wupped?"

"To be honest, I am having a hard time figuring her out.  Two nights ago we spent the most amazing night together.  I thought we were good, and all the shit were behind us and then Sharon told her about the fight with Kenny and we are right back where we fucking where," Eric said.

"Did you tell her what happened? It could be that Sharon gave her a different take on what really happened,"   

"I am sure she did.  I don't know how you could even think to touch that bitch," Eric said. 

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