Chapter 59. Mila

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Mila walked from her apartment in New York City, her bagpack on her back, hands in her pockets as she made her way through the blustering cold to the train station.  She felt paranoid, as if something big was about to happen, but could not figure out why she felt that way.  After she left the island, she suffered from anxiety and panic attacks and had to go on medication, but It had been months since she had a panic attack.  

She was doing so much better until a few days ago.  For the past two days, she had the feeling that she was being watched and followed.  She hurried along hoping that she didn't miss the train again that morning.  She made sure that she took her pill that morning.  She felt so afraid. 

She looked up and walking towards her was a familiar figure... Someone she hoped to never see again, in this life or any other life.  She panicked, backed up  and turned to run.  She  bumped into something solid a wall of a body .   She looked up and looked into the coldest eyes she had ever seen.  She had no idea who this guy was.  But to her he looked lethal.   She thought that she was surely going to die this time. She said a prayer for help out load. "Please lord, help me."

The man held her firmly, preventing her from moving.  "Mila, I am NOT going to hurt you.  I just need to talk to you, ask you some questions." Came  the familiar voice from behind her.  The voice of the man she thought she loved, the voice of the man she had been obsessed with  since she was a child, the man who she was betrothed to, but  now the one person she wished that she never see again.  He was deadly.

Mila looked up at the man and then at Eric frantic with fear.  "Why is he holding me then? What do you want now?" She cried. 

Eric nodded at  the man.  "Phil, It's ok, release her."

Eric pulled her in close, hugged her and whispered in her ear. "We are going for a ride.  We need to talk Mila, that is all. I am not going to hurt you." Eric said guiding her to the Audi parked a few feet away.  

"I dont believe you and I dont trust you." She cried.

"Mila look at me, If I wanted you dead you would be, right here, right now." He paused to look over at Phil.  "I dont want to hurt you; I just have some questions about you and my mother."

"Then ask me here.  Why do we have to go for a ride?"

"We are meeting someone up the road.  Mila please."

They  drove for a few minutes then came to a stop at a very upscale  West Indian restaurant.  Mila had heard about the place, the food, the entertainment, but never went  inside.  Now she wondered if the Willbrooks owned it.  Mila looked around cautiously until her eyes rested  on a very distinquished man sitting at the back of the room.  The  man sat at the table in dark glasses, legs over legs gesturing at Mila  and Eric.   He looked to be in his early to mid forties.  'Is that his uncle Linden?'  Mila wondered.  It was hard to tell. 

Many on the island heard of him, but only a few besides close family has ever been graced to be in his presence ... and live to tell of it.  The man was considered deadly.  Even the police feared him.  Mila had heard the rumors. He  had very few friends and he made sure he had  even fewer enemies.  The man kept a low profile.  But here he was, out in the open, in of all places, America.  Why, she wondered.  She had played by the rules, they laid out for her.  What did they want with her?"   

Linden smiled at Mila.  "Mila, my dear, come sit next to me, no need to be scared.  Did Eric tell you that we are not here to hurt you? We just need some answers ... truthful answers though." He emphasized the truthful.  She recognized the voice. That was the dominant voice she heard when they held her prisoner on the island. She did not see his face, but she heard him telling Eric what to do to her, if she lied. 'Start pulling out her nails' he had said

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