Chapter 28. Brotherly Love

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Lloyd knocked on Eric's office door. "Enter." Came the response. 

Lloyd pushed the door opened and walked in. Phil was sitting across from Eric looking stoic as always.  Most  people thought that Phil was a like a live grenade.  Eric knew better.  He knew the guy well  and was the only one who could read the guy accurately.  Lloyd looked from Eric to Phil.  

 "I was just catching Phil up on what was going on with Jess and what Jimmy told us." Eric explained.

"I told Phil and I am telling you that If she was abducted, take out the mother fucker who did it and anyone else involved. I have zero tolerance for people who go around doing that type of shit." Eric ordered.

"I felt that  way  years ago when that woman took Ericka  and you talked me out of killing that fucker.  Now she is alive in prison and the tax payer is footing that bill.  No one fuck with the family like this again and live to talk about it.  Are we all on the same page here?" Eric asked.

"We are." Lloyd said. 

"You got everything you need?" Eric asked his brother.

Lloyd nodded yes.

"You ready to roll?" Phil asked.

Lloyd looked at his brother. "Can I go up and say goodbye to Tanya?"

The brothers looked at each other. "Now why would you ask for my permission to go say bye to her?"

"Respect Aya. It is late," Lloyd said as he left the room.

Eric nodded.

Phil looked after Lloyd as he left the room. "Anything I need to know about him?"

"Only that he is my brother, the only one I know of, and I want you to look out and after him and make sure he comes home alive ," Eric said.

Lloyd headed up the stairs to Tanya's suite. He knocked on the door but there was no response. He tried the lock and it was open. He gently pushed the door and enter the room. He could hear her sobbing. She was obviously devastated by the disappearance of her sister.

"Tanya?" he called. She did not answer.

He sat on the edge of the bed and it just tore at his heart watching her  body rocked as she sobbed. He gently pulled her over to him. She sat up and reached for him and held him so tight.  His arms slowly wrapped around her holding her tight to him. 

"Stop the crying. You know that I don't like to see you cry." He said

"She is gone. I am never going to see her again, just like Daddy." She cried.

He slowly got  them out of that tight embrace.  He wiped the tears from her face with his fingers and hand and wiped them on his shirt.

"Listen to me. You will see Jess again. I am going to find her and bring her back home to you. I promise."

"Aunt Daphne was wondering if maybe Jess was in trouble ... you know pregnant and knowing how Mom would react she ran away," Tanya said.

Lloyd thought about that for a moment. "Nay I don't think that is the case. If she was in that kind of trouble wouldn't she come you?"

"I made it clear that she could tell me anything and that I was here for her if she ever needed me. I know how hard it is not having anyone to confide in."

"I think she was just sick of living under those strict rules of your mother; you told me how strict your upbringing was." Lloyd quickly added.

"I don't know, I am afraid that something happen to her and if she is dead I will just die too," she cried.

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