Chapter 57. The Secret Safe

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They sat, stood, paced  and waited on Rick to come.  The bell rang then there  was a knock on the door.  Mint Jumped up to answer the door.  Rick embraced the crying woman.  "What the hell is going on?" he asked as he walked into the room.  

Linden shook his head. "Me notice you had to knock.  Sahita changed the locks on yu ass or you forget your keys?"

"I dont have time for your fuckery.  What is so urgent that I had to fly over here?"

Eric turned his back on Rick and so did Lloyd.   Neither one had anything to say to their father.

"When was the last time you were intimate with Sahita?" Linden asked.

"What?! What kind of a question is that?"

"You will find out soon enough.  Come with me."

"I dont have time.  I had to cancel two appointments to meet you, just tell me what the fuck is going on."

Linden pointed to the safe where Sahita had all her secrets hidden.  "You aware of this safe? Sahita had all kind of things hidden in there."

Rick shook his head.  "No,  what kind of things?"

"All kind of shit brother.   We need to go through it carefully, but why don't you take a look at this to start." 

Linden handed him the paper that was freaking  Eric out.  

Rick looked at his brother.  "What the fuck is this?" 

"Did you have anything to do with this?" Linden asked.

"How the fuck would I when I dont know what THIS is?" Rick answered angrily. 

"Can you read?" Linden asked frustrated with his brother.

"Of course I can fucking read.  What is wrong with all of you?"

Rick looked carefully at the paper, then back at Linden, then over at Eric.

"Fuck ."  he said.

"Now were you aware of this? Was Sahita alone in this?" Linden asked.

Rick took a seat and closed his eyes.  "Fuck." he said again.

"If you say that one more time, I am going to fuck you over.  Did you know about this or not?" Linden asked again angrilly.

"I know Sahita  was thinking it.  She asked me about it.  She was heartbroken that Eric sneaked  off and marry Tanya.  She had an agreement  with the Rajeramms for  Eric to marry Mila.  She was consumed by the Indian tradition ... this whole idea of hand picking who the kids would marry. She had her mind set on who Eric would marry." Rick explained.

"And what did you tell her?" Linden asked.

"I told her to leave it alone.  The boy was obsessed with the Johnson girl.  He went off and married her. There was no talking him out of  that then or now, despite  all that girl has done to him including almost killing him." Rick continued.  

"It is my fucking life.  You had no right." Eric yelled at his father as Lloyd held him back.

"What did I do Eric? Did I fucking stop you from ruining your life? No, I simple  let you fuck up your life by marrying into that  fucked up family.  That is what I am guilty of here."  Rick yelled back.   

"Is that what you did? You knew what Sahita  was doing and you stood by and let her, knowing what that would do to me and my kids.  You never tried to stop any of the shit she did.  You sit back neutral and mute.  That is what you fucking did." Eric shouted. 

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