ARC III Part 6

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ARC III Chapter 6
"Alright, this is dope." Daniel walked over to his father and the two russians once he was finished sympathizing with his new rigging; "I mean, I have a best friend now! And he's a giant eagle!"
"So, you called him Dux? It sounds like a random name but it's not too bad." Chkalov commented while looking at his rigging up close.
"Dux means 'general' or 'guide' or 'leader', basically it's a latin word used by the Romans to describe the concept of 'leader', in most cases a military leader. In short, it's a badass name." Daniel explained.
"Damn, you called us 'nerds' earlier, but you're not much different." She teased him while trying to identify the material which Dux was made of.
"I never said I'm not a nerd."
"Hey Daniel, this woman is creeping me out..." Dux stared at Chkalov as she moved around him and touched his body.
"What? You're far more powerful than her, how are you creeped out?" His owner asked.
"Commander, is it okay if you leave your friend here for a while? For research purposes." She asked him while looking at Dux with a mischievous grin and hugging his neck.
"Wait... No! Daniel, take me with you! Please!" Dux looked at his owner desperately.
"... Welp... It's for science, buddy... I can't say no to her..." He said before turning to the exit of the laboratory, where Soyuz was waiting for him. As Daniel was walking away, Dux began screaming in despair: "DANIEL! NO, DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!! DANIEL!! DANIEEEEEEEEEEL!!!!!!"
"Oh, you're so dramatic..." Chkalov said while dragging him away, "Don't be afraid, me and you will have so much fun together..."
"DANIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL!!!!!!!!!!" Dux screeched as loudly as he could, but eventually his owner left the laboratory and the entrance closed.

"I feel a bit bad for Dux... I hope Chkalov will be gentle with him..." Soyuz said while entering the elevator. Daniel got in as well, he pressed the button labeled "5" (which led to the fifth and last floor of the mansion, where Soyuz' room was) and the elevator began rising. Since the laboratory was quite deep underground, the ride would last for three or four minutes.
"What do you think of Dux' capabilities?" Soyuz asked.
"We haven't seen anything yet. While me and him were messing around, I found out there are some limiters to contain his full power. While we were both screaming, all the limiters were enabled. I think that if I had disabled them during that moment, I probably could've damaged the lab. Maybe even destroyed it. We definitely can't test Dux' full power down here, let alone nearby the mansion..." Daniel replied.
"... Can you find an explanation to your rigging becoming something entirely different from a warship's hull? I'm sure that I'm not the only one who's been wondering... Where did the eagle come from?"
"My only clue right now is the fact that this Type II technology, according to my father, is also based on Siren tech. Iron Blood's rigging is also based on that, and it resembles a shark or some other maritime animal. So my guess is that the cause of this unexpected transformation is the small presence of Siren technology into the Type II Cube. But then, why does my rigging look like an eagle? I have no idea. But I have a feeling that this Type II is an evolution not only in overall power... But also on a conceptual level. At least these are the words I can find to describe this sensation."
"Conceptual level..? I don't understand..." Soyuz looked at the commander confusedly.
"All this time, humanity has used Wisdom Cubes mainly for creating KANSENs, which are conceptually warships. A KANSEN consists of a human that controls a rigging, and this rigging functions more or less like a warship. But what about the human? Are they an integral part of the warship, or are they a separate entity?"
Soyuz looked more and more perplexed by the second: "I... I'm sorry... I don't know what you mean..."
"Well... You say and acknowledge that your name is Sovetsky Soyuz. But are you Sovetsky Soyuz?"
"... What...?"
Suddenly, the commander burst out laughing.
"Huh? What's so funny..?"
"I'm sorry..! It's just... you're making such an hilarious face right now..!" He apologized while regaining his composure, "Nevermind that! Forget what I just said! I guess I was just fantasizing too much..."
A couple of seconds later, the elevator finally stopped at the fifth floor. While Soyuz and the commander walked towards her room again to discuss their plans, she kept rethinking about his question: "But are you Sovetsky Soyuz?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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