Part 5 and 5.1

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Chapter 5
That first day at the academy sure was weird for Nero. After what happened with Roon in her room and with Bache in the gardens, he couldn't be surprised by anything else. He was now going to the academy to talk to the Commander. He reached the entrance of the building, and got in.
"Now, there's only one problem... I have no clue where the hell is the commander's office." He said to himself. He just realized he didn't know where to go, even because after all the weird events which occurred that day he forgot about most parts of the academy.
"I guess it's time to get lost in this place!" and he started wandering around the hallways.
After walking for a bit he saw a woman sitting at a desk in one of the hallways. As soon as she noticed him, she stood up and walked to him.
"Why are you already here?" she asked.
"Uhm... Well, actually, I'm here to meet the Commander." he replied.
"Ah, I understand. Then why are you in this zone of the academy? The Commander's office isn't here."
"... Oh."
"Do you know where the office is?"
"If I said yes I'd be lying."
"Alright, I'll take you there. Follow me."
She led him to the office.
"Thanks a lot... Uh, what's your name?" he at least wanted to know the name of the woman who spared him from wasting time.
"I'm Mikasa."
"Well Mikasa, aren't you attending classes right now?"
"It's nice to hear that you think I'm so young, but I'm actually a janitor here."
"I see... Well, thanks for the help, Mikasa!" And so he knocked on the door.
"Come in."
Nero opened the door. The Commander was sitting at his desk in front of the door. The room looked like the ordinary principal office.
"Nice to see you again Commander, are you the principal here?"
"That's right. So, do you need help with something?"
"Yeah... It's about Roon."
The Commander remained silent for a bit. Then he got up and closed the door.
"Well, this moment had to arrive eventually." he sat back down at his desk. "What would you like to know?"
"Alright so, something about her is clearly off. At first she looked like a pretty normal girl, but something she said made me rethink about my original opinion on her."
"What did she tell you?"
"She said that her favorite activity is granting sweet release to her enemies after torturing them. Now, I came here mainly because I want to know if that's true or not."
"... It is true. She used to torture many Sirens when they were still attacking Earth. The previous commanders let her do whatever she wanted, because without torturing them she would go crazy. I've been told that after the Sirens were gone she was contained in a cage. After I became Commander, I prepared a normal room for her, because I know that living in a cage isn't pleasant at all. Since that day, she never went crazy, I don't know why, but I guess that's good."
"... Do you know why's she like this? Is there a reason or was she born with these issues?"
"I'm not sure. As far as I know she's never experienced any traumas or something like that, so I really have no clue."
"Oh, I understand. Thanks for the help Commander."
"You're welcome."
As soon as they were finished talking, the door opened behind them.
Apparently somebody misbehaved, as Mikasa brought a girl with her.
"Commander, it's her again."
"Kumano again huh? What did she do now?" The commander asked.
"She won't listen to the teachers and she keeps disturbing the lesson." Mikasa explained.
"Oh, I understand. You can go, Mikasa."
Mikasa left. Kumano looked at the commander with an annoyed face.
"Kumano, it's the third time you're sent in here, and it's always for the same reason. So, why do you act like this?"
"The lessons are boring." She answered.
"Is that a reason to disturb them?"
"I don't wanna disturb the lesson, I just try not to fall asleep somehow, and the most efficient way is talking to others."
"What if the others are trying to learn?"
"I'd be really surprised in that case. Nobody would follow those lessons seriously."
"That's your point of view, and not everyone is like you. Alright Kumano, since you won't learn how to behave with the easy ways, I'll have to use the hard ways. In fact you're going to sleep with Roon for a week."
As soon as the commander pronounced Roon's name, Kumano switched her attitude.
"You heard me well."
"Wait wait wait! I'm going to behave from now on! I swear I will follow the lessons!"
"You should've done that sooner. My decision is final."
"Wait commander, are you serious?" Nero asked. "If she sleeps with Roon, where will I sleep?"
"You'll sleep in your bed in Roon's room."
"But you just said that Kumano will sleep with Roon!"
"I did."
"Then- Wait... She'll sleep in Roon's bed?"
Kumano couldn't believe what she heard.
"Now then, Kumano, go back to your classroom." said Daniel.
She walked out of the office without saying anything else.
"Hey commander... Are you sure that's ok?"
"I'm sorry to be forced to use such methods, but it's the only thing that came to my mind. Anyway, would you like to know anything else about Roon?"
"No thanks, you told me enough. I'll be heading out. See you around." Nero walked out of the office

Roon x Nero (kinda) (no cringy sex ahead)Where stories live. Discover now