Part 16.1

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Chapter 16.1
"Well, what do you think of this island so far?" Akagi asked.
"It seems.. peaceful..?" Nero replied while he was still feeling uncomfortable. He hoped that the other elites weren't so menacing like Akagi.
"It is; it's even more beautiful when the young destroyers run around. I love watching them have fun and smile genuinely, especially because during the conflict between the Azur Lane and the Crimson Axis they were all worried.. I'm glad they can be carefree now."
Nero seized the opportunity to ask about this infamous conflict;
"Speaking of that conflict, why did you all split up..?" He asked.
"Oh? Weren't you informed about it?"
"I don't think so.."
Akagi remained silent for a moment.
"Well, the reason is always the same for every conflict, Nero." She proceeded.
"And that reason is..?"
"Difference in ideologies... Or so they said."
"You don't believe them? The Azur Lane seems trustworthy..."
Akagi wheezed; "You're not ready to go in detail about this."
"Huh? Why? I want to know more about this war!"
"If you really want to, ask someone who's been there before the Azur Lane was formed. Anyway, there is nothing much to say anymore; but before you go, take this." Akagi handed him a small object shaped like a flower; it seemed to be golden.

Nero observed it for a while

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Nero observed it for a while.
"Is this some kind of souvenir..?"
"Not quite; you will need it to access a special area. Make sure not to lose it." She smiled.
"Oh... I'll keep it then." He shoved the... the uhm... the golden flower thingy in his pocket.
"Goodbye Akagi and Amagi!"
"Goodbye Nero!" Akagi said goodbye as well. Amagi simply waved.
But as soon as Nero slid the door open to get out, a girl with blue eyes, white hair and fox ears and tails stood in front of him. The new fox looked at him for a brief moment; after that, she walked past him and entered the house.
"Kaga, isn't it rude to ignore guests?" Amagi immediately scolded her.
Kaga turned back to Nero, said "hi" without trying to hide her annoyance and went upstairs without a hint of hesitation.
Amagi sighed; "Please excuse her.." she apologized.
"I understand, don't worry." Nero walked out of the house.

Taihou was gone, but luckily it wasn't a problem: he knew where to go this time. He followed the path and returned where he came from.
He didn't know anything about the island, so clearly he had absolutely no idea where to go or what to do. Classes weren't over yet, so naturally the island was mostly empty. Now, the last time Nero tried to explore an unknown area, he ended up getting lost, as you all may remember. For this reason, he:
1. Could not get back to the main island;
2. Could not explore the island he was in.
In short, he was stuck.
"What the hell do I do now..?" He wondered.
While he was deep into thought, someone suddenly SMACKED his back.
"AGH! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??" He turned around in anger.
"Many things!" Kumano replied while grinning.
"YEAH I NOTI- Wait... Kumano?"
"In person!"
Nero was surprised and confused.
"Weren't you at school?" He asked.
"Nah, didn't feel like goin' today, I skipped."
"Oh... Well, I'm glad to see you again, but did you have to scare me like that..?"
"That's the fun part!"
"... Whatever you say, then... Uh, you're not busy right now, right?"
"Nope, got nothin' to do."
"Can you show me around, then..? I don't know anything about this place.."
"Might as well do something productive! Let's go!"

Roon x Nero (kinda) (no cringy sex ahead)Where stories live. Discover now