Intermission + ARC II Part 1

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"Hehehe... Ridiculous. You call me here and tell me that you'll be focusing on me for a while out of the blue. Isn't this story over?"
It's over when I say it's over. Do you have something against this new arc? It'll be centered around you too. Aren't you happy?
"Eh. Can't say I am. Honestly, I don't care at all. But like, what are you trying to get from this pile of garbage anymore? They kissed, the ship is real, you got a happy ending. Isn't that enough?
It is enough. But what if I want more? As bad as this fanfiction can be, I enjoy writing it.
"And that's legit, but if you start milking it till the end, eventually it'll get old."
Well I've got bad news for you, the second arc won't be the last. As long as I have the will to develop this story, I will. And nothing will change my mind. And realistically speaking, this fanfiction is actually really short. It wouldn't be worth it to already end it.
"Do whatever you want. So, I'm gonna be the star of the show during this arc? Ugh, I hate being the main character.."
Like it or not, that's how things are. So get ready to shine under the spotlight, Commander.
"Fine then... Let's see what you've got in store."

Chapter 1
The commander opened the door to his office after saying goodbye to Nero and Roon.
"Ay, boss, you're back." Eugen's rigging greeted him while lying down on the floor in front of the desk.
"Hi Prinz." The commander noticed that Eugen was sitting on his chair behind the desk. Her head rested on it, and she was completely still.
"Did she fall asleep..?" He asked.
"What do you expect? She's Eugen." The rigging replied. The commander sighed and approached the desk.
"She didn't finish the work, right?"
"Nah, she did. Surprisingly."
"Oh? Color me surprised. But what's this doing here..?" He asked while looking at an empty bottle of beer lying horizontally on the desk.
"Again, what do you expect?"
"Yeah, I know, but aren't you trying to do something about it?"
"Do you think she'd listen to her own tool?"
"... Guess she wouldn't."
A girl whom we've already seen on multiple occasions knocked on the door and opened it after receiving the commander's permission.
"Good evening, commander." Said Hipper before closing the door behind her.
"Heya Hipper. If you're looking for your sister, she's here."
Hipper walked towards the desk and looked rather worried after seeing her sister's condition. She sighed.
"Of course this would happen... I can't take my eyes off her, can I..?"
"She's an overgrown baby, we can all agree on that." Eugen's rigging interfered.
"Well, at least she's okay... But how was your trip to the Soviet Union, commander?"
"I analyzed the situation together with Soyuz, and the sirens' activity is slowly but steadily rising. Eventually some of you will have to help them out. I'm planning to send Nero there as well, should the situation become too tough."
"That would be Nero's first confrontation against the Sirens, right? Are you sure it's a good idea?"
"He won't be alone, it shouldn't be too dangerous for him. But regardless of that, he is a powerful ship, he can count on pretty high firepower."
Hipper looked at Eugen again, who was still sleeping.
"Commander... I think you should change secretary. Eugen isn't suited for this role."
"I know. After I dismiss her, I'll increase the number of secretaries in order to have one for each navy. That way, the job will be easier for everyone."
"Will you choose them personally?"
"I will, and if one of them doesn't want to fill that role, I'll have to choose someone else to replace them. I'll find all the secretaries I need, eventually."
"I see. Well, it's time for me to go. What about Eugen..?"
"I'll deal with her. You can go, Hipper."
"Mh. Goodnight, commander." She said after opening the door and leaving.

The commander walked to Eugen and started shaking her.
"Eugen, wake up. You can't stay here."
She slowly raised her head while yawning.
"Daniel..? You're back..?" She mumbled.
"Yeah. It's gotten late. Sleep in your room, your bed is surely comfier than a desk."
Without saying anything in reply, she pulled him in her arms and hugged him.
"Are you still drunk..?" He asked.
"I don't think so.."
"Where does this hug come from then?"
"I missed you.."
"You have feelings? Or did you miss me because you had a huge load of work?"
"Kinda both.."
"Don't worry, you'll be dismissed tomorrow."
"Really..?" Her voice gave out a hint of enthusiasm.
"Yup. No more work for ya."
"You're the best commander ever.." she hugged tighter.
"Y-yeah, right... Now go to sleep.."
"I wanna sleep with you tonight.."
"Do you think I'll accept?"
"If you're clever, you will.."
"Then I'm retarded. Go to sleep now."
"You're missing this opportunity like that..?"
"You're also missing the opportunity to get some more sleep."
"Why don't you want to sleep with me..? I swear I won't try anything weird.."
The commander sighed and paused for a bit.
"I know you wanted me to insist, hehe.."
"I didn't. It would be pointless to insist with you, and I don't want to waste any more time. It's been an intense day for both of us."
"Can you carry me to bed? You said it was an intense day yourself, I'm really tired.."
"You've been sleeping for a while, use your legs."
"You're mean..." She frowned.
"Fine, I'll carry you..." He said after sighing. In the end, he carried her to her dorm room, withstanding her notable weight.

Upon arriving in front of her room's door, he carefully sat Eugen on the floor and knocked. A girl who looked pretty similar to Hipper except for her eye color and her breast size opened the door for them.
"Hey Blücher. I brought your sister here."
"So you found her! Where was she hiding?"
"Eh, she picked a pretty lame hiding spot. She was in plain sight."
"In plain sight? That's too much" Eugen interfered, "That spot was at least decent, come on.."
"You weren't even hiding."
"Woah, really? It's like you can't understand sarcasm!" She exclaimed sarcastically.
"It's not that, but knowing you, I'd expect you to do something without knowing."
"I'm honored to see that you hold me in very high regard."
"Is it that evident?"
Blücher, who wasn't really good at detecting sarcasm, looked at them confusedly.
"Well, thank you for finding Eugen, commander! You're the best hide-and-seek player!" She said.
"I'd rather say she's the worst player."
Eugen finally stood back up and walked towards Blücher. The commander turned around and as he was about to walk away, Eugen interrupted him.
"I haven't forgotten about what you said earlier. Where are you running to?"
"You've got your sisters, what do you want from me?"
"I just wanna bother you since I'm pretty bored. If you have a problem with that, I don't care."
"What if I don't care about you wanting to bother me? That means I can leave, according to your logic."
"According to my logic, you're just really not cool commander, gotta be honest. Hiding your excitement about sleeping with me is pretty cowardly and pathetic."
"I'd rather sleep elsewhere."
"Are you guys... Joking around or something..?" Blücher asked.
"Of course we are, we'll have a sleepover with him tonight." Eugen answered.
"Really?? I love sleepovers!"
"Yeah, you don't want to disappoint Blücher now, right commander? Look how hyped up she is!"
"Ugh... Okay. Just for tonight." He accepted reluctantly.
"Yeeeey!" Blücher celebrated before urging the commander to enter the room.

"Commander..?" Hipper quizzically looked at him from her bed.
"Apparently I'll sleep here tonight. If you want someone to blame, Eugen is the person you're looking for." He said.
"More like to thank." Eugen corrected him.
"Where are you going to sleep..?" Hipper asked.
"In my bed, duh." Eugen replied in his stead.
"I feel safer with Blücher." He affirmed.
"You're still sleeping with me." She smirked. He just sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Alright, I don't want to waste any more time. But if you try something, I'll leave. And nothing will stop me."

Fortunately, Eugen didn't do anything inappropriate, and the commander managed to sleep peacefully. It had been a long day and it didn't take long for him to fall asleep.
But the next day, little did he know, would be much tougher. But not for him. I know it's the first time you're the protagonist, Commander, but you'll have to let me focus on another character for a while. A character who's going to have one hell of an adventure....
ARC II Chapter 1 end
Yeah, it took a long time to get this done and it was even pretty short. This is what lack of imagination does to a mf. Now I have a bigger chapter coming and, as our narrator suggested, it will focus on someone else, someone who's never appeared in this fanfiction before. Consider this a sort of "introduction" to ARC II.
More content is on its way (hopefully), so thanks to those who are still here!

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