Part 13

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The protagonist himself has spoken. He wishes to meet the british. So yeah, credits to my homie Nero, aka Tristan, for the request.

Chapter 13
Nero, Roon and Friedrich spent the evening in Roon and Nero's room. Roon and Nero unpacked their gifts: the bags contained matching t-shirts and two halves of a necklace.
"By wearing those necklaces, you can symbolize your friendship!" Said Friedrich while smiling.
Nero liked the gifts very much. "Thanks a lot, Friedrich! I mean it!" He thanked her.
Roon hugged Friedrich tightly. Friedrich hugged her back.
"Nero, you should hug her too!" Said Roon after turning her head to him.
He pondered about whether he should actually do it: he remembered what happened last time he hugged Friedrich, and it was a bit embarrassing. But after hesitating for some seconds, he approached Friedrich and he hugged her. Friedrich left at 11:43 PM.

Roon was writing on her diary while Nero laid on his bed. Suddenly, he received a phone call from Daniel.
"Hello?" He spoke while holding the phone against his ear.
"Hiya Nero, it's the commander. Sorry for calling so late, but I just wanted to let you know that Queen Elizabeth would like to meet you."
Nero was caught completely off guard: "Queen Elizabeth??? The leader of the Royal Navy herself??"
Roon turned to him after hearing that name.
"Yep, the queen in person." -The commander confirmed- "She wants to see you at the Royal Navy's cafe tomorrow afternoon."
Nero had never seen the british super dreadnought in person, he was really curious to finally find out what she looked like.
"Thanks for the info, commander, you've been a huge help for me since I arrived."
"Don't mention it, helping you settle in is part of my job. May I seize this chance to ask you how's it going with Roon?"
"It's actually going better than ever."
"I'm very glad to hear that. Welp, I'll get back to work now, I'll see you tomorrow if I have the chance."
"Wait, you're working?? At midnight??"
"Is it weird?"
"Uh... No, but I didn't expect you to work so hard.."
"It's true that I'm an easygoing person, but I fulfill my duties correctly."
"Let me guess, Eugen isn't helping you at all?"
"Exactly. But I can get it done, it's not too much."
"Just don't overdo it... Good luck with your job, dude."
"Thanks. G'night." The Commander hung up.

"Why did you mention Elizabeth?" Roon asked.
"The commander said she wants to meet me tomorrow. I don't know why.."
"Interesting. Personally, I've never liked her. She's actually a spoiled brat, she gets annoying."
"Spoiled brat...?" Nero sat up and looked at Roon.
"Mhm. Don't you know? Elizabeth has the body and the mind of a kid."
Nero was very surprised. He did not expect the queen to be a kid at all. But that didn't kill his curiosity; on the other hand, he was even more curious to meet her.
"Well, Roon, I'm going to sleep now. How long will you be still awake?"
"I'll go to sleep soon, don't worry about it."
Nero laid down on his back and he closed his eyes.

The next morning, after waking up, Nero attended Friedrich's lessons with Roon. They ended at 2:30 PM.
Nero called the commander on the phone: "Hey, commander, are you busy right now?"
"Nope, I'm waiting for you, actually. As soon as you're finished with your lessons and you're ready, we'll go to the cafe."
"Oh, you're coming with me? That's actually great! Then I'll get ready, where do we meet?"
"Outside of the german dormitory. I'll head there now. Get ready while I get there."
"Roger." Nero hung up. "Roon, I'll have a shower now."
"Can I come with you?" She asked as she got out of bed.
"... What...?" Nero didn't know how to react or what to say in reply.
"Can I have a shower with you?" Roon asked the question again.
Nero stared at her while his mind tried to find an answer quickly. He knew he wasn't ready for that. He couldn't accept even if he really wanted to.
"Uh, Roon... I'm sorry, can you wait a bit longer before we get more... Intimate..?"
"Oh, sorry for embarrassing you with this question..."
"Don't apologize, it's alright..! I'm not embarrassed, just surprised!"
After this small, awkward moment, in which Nero proved to not be so smart, he got in the bathroom and he took his shower. He proceeded to get dressed: even though he was about to meet the queen, he was also going to a cafe, so he didn't want to wear an elegant outfit. On top of that, the weather at the HQ was constantly hot, so wearing something like a suit or a shirt meant sweating profusely. He just picked a short sleeved, dark red t-shirt and a pair of black shorts.
"Red and black? Heh, those are typical colors of the Iron Blood." Roon commented on his outfit.
"Really? Well, I don't think they're gonna be mad. And if they are, it's their prob."
"Well said." She giggled.
As soon as he was ready, he exited the room through the not-so-secret passage and then he walked out of the german dormitory. The commander was waiting with his back leaned against the wall next to the doors.
"Heya." The commander drew his attention.
Nero turned to him: "Oh, hello commander! Always good to see you!"
"Same goes for you. We ready?"
Nero nodded.
"I'll lead the way." The commander began walking towards the british cafe, and Nero followed.
After some minutes of walking and chatting, they arrived at the cafe.
"Here we are pal. You ready to meet her Majesty?"
Nero took a deep breath. He didn't know why he was so tense to meet a kid, but he was. He fixed his clothes before announcing: "I'm ready."
The commander pushed the doors open and they both entered. The place was very fancy and the sound of a violin echoed through the whole dining room.
"Oh no... Is it one of those overly elegant locations? I hate them..." Said Nero to the commander.

Roon x Nero (kinda) (no cringy sex ahead)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant