Part 14 (+14.1)

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Chapter 14
Roon opened her eyes. She sat up and she looked at the wall in front of her; the mess she caused in the room was gone, although the walls were still scratched and cracked.
"Good morning, Roon."
Roon turned to Friedrich after hearing her voice.
"Friedrich... And Bismarck..?"
Bismarck was standing against a wall and she looked at Roon.
"Why is Bismarck here..? Where's Nero..?" She asked Friedrich.
"Nero is looking for the commander. They'll be here soon." Bismarck answered.
"... Will the commander punish me..?" Roon asked worriedly.
"No. You did nothing to deserve a punishment. He'll come here to discuss about your situation." Bismarck answered again.
"And we'll see if we can do something to make you feel at ease." Friedrich continued.
"... The commander is probably busy with his schedule... I don't want to slow him down..."
"He's coming here by his own volition." Bismarck clarified.

Minutes later, the door opened. Nero and the commander entered.
Roon and the commander looked at each other. It had been a long time since they met.
"... Hello, Roon. Nero informed me about the behavior you had yesterday."
"... I'm very sorry... I tried to hold myself back..."
"I'm not here to punish you or blame you. I'm here to find a solution." -the commander sat down on the bed next to her- "I need to ask you a couple of questions."
Roon nodded.
"What was the cause of your violent behavior?"
"Frustration... and guilt..."
"Were you frustrated because you felt trapped in this room?"
"Yes... I was tired of being here... Very tired..."
"And why did you feel guilty?"
"... Can I avoid answering this question..?"
"If you answer, I'll be able to find a better solution."
"Commander... You will find all the answers you need in my diary."

Roon stood up and she walked to her nightstand. She opened the drawer and pulled the diary out of it.
"Are you sure?" The commander asked.
"You can read it... But please, do not let anyone else see the contents in the diary." Roon took the key for the diary's padlock and she unlocked it. Then, she handed the diary to the commander. He leaned against a wall and he started scanning the pages. Once he was done, he closed the diary. He looked at Roon with a regretful frown.
"... What have I done..." He thought as he approached her.
"Roon.. I'm sorry. I never thought that this containment would have such a heavy impact on you."
"Don't worry, commander... It's best to keep me here.."
He walked to Nero.
"Nero, are you willing to watch over her? It's time she gets out of this cage."
"I'm ready. When it comes to Roon, I'm ready for everything." Nero answered with determination.
The commander smiled: "I see you're really looking forward to her freedom." -the commander approached Roon once again- "Roon, you and Nero will live in a room in the american dormitory. He will make sure nobody will bother you. From this moment on, you will be free to go anywhere, anytime. I will be directly responsible for any incident which could happen to you."
Roon's lips parted slightly as she looked at him.
"Commander..." -she smiled- "Thank you so much..!"
The commander smiled too.

"I have an objection." Nero suddenly spoke.
The commander turned to him with a surprised look: "What is it?"
"The responsibility for Roon should fall on me."
"... Heh. Sure, I'm not against that." The commander accepted.
"Now then, follow me, you two. I'll show you your new room." The commander invited Roon and Nero to follow him; Bismarck and Friedrich didn't have any objections, so they walked out.

Roon hugged Nero's arm as they followed the commander. Nero could see the excitement and happiness in Roon's face, which made him very happy too.
"Wait, what about the lessons?" Roon asked.
"Don't worry about them for today. You have to relax after yesterday's incident." The commander answered as he walked ahead of them. Eventually, the three of them arrived before the american dormitory. Nero entered that building only once during his first day at the port.
The commander opened the doors and walked in, Nero and Roon followed.
"Your room is on the second floor." The commander announced.
They walked up the stairs until they reached the second floor.
Nero had never seen the structure of a dormitory's floor, but it was quite simple: a very long corridor surrounded by walls. On said walls there were many doors, each leading to a different room.
"So we're gonna have lots of neighbors now, aren't we?" Said Nero.
"Yup. Still better than living in a secret room behind a wall." -The commander joked- "Of course, the dormitory is empty right now, since the others are attending classes. Anyways, we're here."
The commander opened one of the doors.

Roon x Nero (kinda) (no cringy sex ahead)Where stories live. Discover now