ARC II Part 2.1 + Part 3

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ARC II Chapter 2.1

Z46 continued her exploration across the dormitory area: she found various other laptops with tons of entries, all of them also contained a document about the illustrious March 23rd incident, confirming that it actually happened and it hadn't been made up or something. Unfortunately, in some rooms, she had to witness gruesome scenes, mainly hanging corpses of the scientists who inhabited those rooms. It was granted that they all committed suicide, the reasons being often explained in dedicated documents; some took that decisions since they couldn't handle their guilt, others did it due to their sanity being slowly deteriorated by the horrors they were forced to observe and study. Many didn't understand what was wrong with the research; thanks to the knowledge born after the countless failed experiments, though, Z46 knew exactly what they were doing wrong. Forcefully infusing an E cube containing data of sunk warships into a human being was absolutely not the way to create the so desired KANSENs. And that's what the researchers kept doing for a long time... Maybe too long. Some of the 'suicide notes' left by the scientists were bone-chilling for the young Z46: in fact, many of them claimed to hear scratching on their walls during the night, sometimes the noise of metal being dragged across the floor combined with squelching outside of their rooms. Some of them had a vague idea of what was out there... Or what they thought was out there. In fact, some claimed that they had most likely begun hallucinating after the first failed experiments. And Z46 sincerely hoped they had. After her exploration in the bedrooms was complete, Z46 headed back to the cafeteria in order to reach the lobby once again. From there, the young destroyer was in doubt. She wasn't sure if it was safe to keep descending further down the rabbit hole: she had already seen a lot. Maybe she'd seen too much. But curiosity killed the cat and it would soon kill her. But not yet; she didn't have the necessary equipment to safely venture into the laboratory itself. She was sure to come back again soon, but now she needed to focus on leaving. As she was reflecting upon this, an explosion carved a huge hole into a wall of the lobby. Z46 was caught completely off guard, naturally, and she summoned her rigging, ready to fight whatever was coming. After the smoke cleared, though, she could fortunately lay down her weapons. 
"Commander!" she excalimed after recognizing his silhouette. But her enthusiasm went downhill when she could see him fully: his coat was scarred and an oblique yellow cut traversed his face from his forehead to his chin. 
"What happened??" She worriedly ran to him. 
The commander smiled: "Oh, I just had a small inconvenience on my way back here. Nothing to worry about. Besides, it's more important to know what happened to you." he said before kneeling in front of her, "Are you hurt?" 
"No, I'm perfectly fine... But what is this inconvenience you're talking about?" 
"Nothing you're supposed to know. Now let us head back to the surface." he stood back up and took her hand as he began walking back up the stairway. 
"Commander... Someone pushed me down-" 
"I know. I've been told everything. The door has been closed shut as well. Guess I'll have to blow another hole..." 
"But how will we close the door again? And... you were the one who caused that explosion down there?"
"... Take a guess."
Z46 thought about the answer for a while before attempting to guess. 
"You found dynamites on your way?" 
"Heh, rational solution, but no. It's more irrational than you think."
"... Please tell me the answer, Commander."
As they finally reached the top of the stairway, the Commander turned to her. 
"Last chance to guess before I demonstrate." 
"I won't take it, show me."
"It's very important that you don't tell a soul about what you're going to see. Promise me you won't."
"I won't."
The commander shrugged: "Stand back." he ordered. Z46 took a few steps back down the stairs.
The commander summoned his battleship rigging and fired his high-explosive 18-inch (450 mm ca.) shells towards the door, knocking it down easily. 
"COMMANDER, YOU'RE A KANSEN????" Z46 exclaimed in shock. 
Z46 covered her mouth and apologized. She observed his rigging and noticed the signature red and white oblique stripes painted on the ship's bow: it was an italian battleship. 
"Those looked like 450 mm shells... But the Regia Marina has never developed guns of such caliber. Their maximum was 381 mm, right?"
"Correct. But it's never too late for improvements. Anyways, Z46, I hope you're satisfied with whatever you've seen while I was gone. Please don't go back there ever again."
"I won't, don't worry." She lied.
"Let's get out of these woods now. It's 3 AM, you and I both need to sleep."

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