Part 3.1

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Alright, before going on with the story I'd like to clarify that Nero in this story isn't a videogame character or a character from another franchise in general, it's actually the username of the friend I dedicated this fanfic to. Just wanted to make sure that y'all don't get the wrong idea. Anyway, onto...

Chapter 3.1
Nero opened the door. As soon as he did, his new roommate looked at him.
"... The commander wasn't lying... she's pretty cute indeed..." he thought to himself. He scanned the room and he noticed that there were two beds. He sighed in relief. Other than the beds, he saw a large desk; there was a desk lamp, a notebook and a pen on it, surrounded by other objects. Other than the desk and the beds, there was pretty much nothing else.
"This room is... a bit empty. It must be kinda sad to live in such a room." The room wasn't colorful either: the walls were completely white. The desk was also white, as well as the desk lamp. The most colorful things in that room were probably the beds, which blankets were both red.
"Hi." the girl started talking.
"Oh... hello. I'm Nero. What's your name?" Nero looked at the room for long enough, he decided it was time to start a conversation.
"My name is Roon. It's good to know that somebody will keep me company from now on." she smiled at him.
"Heheh, yeah, I guess... WHY AM I SO AWFUL AT TALKING TO GIRLS???" He regretted saying that.
"... You aren't very good at conversing, huh?" Roon had already noticed it. She kept talking. "I don't have conversations very often, and I'm still better than you..." she giggled.
Nero blushed like never before. "I WANT TO BURY MYSELF SO BADLY RIGHT NOW" He thought in embarrassment.
"Are you embarrassed? I'm not making fun of you of course! Don't get the wrong idea..!"
"Wait, no no! Don't be sorry, I know you're kidding..! I'm sorry for making you worry..!"
"It's fine, don't be sorry! I'm not worried! Sorry for doubting you..!"
"Wait, don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong!"
The two of them then went silent. Both realized they were telling each other not to be sorry, but they kept apologizing for their mistakes.
"SORRY FOR MAKING YOU SORRY!" Nero replied to her reply.
They got silent again. After some seconds, Roon started giggling.
"This is a pretty particular conversation, isn't it?"
"Hehe... You're right..."
"Still, it's been a long time since I had this much fun!" said Roon in excitement.
"Really..? Well, you're welcome I guess..."
"Why are you just standing there? Take a seat!" Roon patted a spot next to her on the bed she was sitting on.
"Oh, uhm... Thanks..." Nero sat down.
They started knowing each other, talking about themselves. Nero was having a good time with her, and Roon was having a good time with him. As they talked, Nero thought: "Is she really a psycho...?". He didn't see anything wrong with her... Until he asked her one question.
"So Roon, what do you like doing the most?"
"Hm? Well, I like granting sweet release!"
"Granting... sweet release...?"
"Oh... Oh, I understand. One moment!" He proceeded to get up and take his phone. He opened Google and typed: "What's sweet release?" in the search bar. He had no clue what she was talking about. What he found on the research engine confused him quite a lot. According to google, the 'sweet release of death' is when somebody who's undergoing great suffering thinks that death would be a way to release all the pain; basically, when a person wants sweet release to be granted to them, they want to die.
"... What the hell..?" He put the phone back in his pocket and looked at her.
"You're kidding, right..?" he asked her worryingly.
"I'm not. Why would I be joking?"
"Then... who do you grant sweet release to?"
"I grant it to my enemies during battles!"
"Oh... Ooooh! That's kinda nice of you. So you kill your enemies directly because they're suffering too much?" he asked.
"Correct, I kill them after they beg me to!"
"They beg you to do it?"
"Yes, they mostly do it after several hours of torture!"
"Oh, nic- ... Wait, what..?"
Roon looked at him.
"Uhm... haha... I'm not sure I heard the last part very well! Could you please repeat what you said?" he laughed nervously.
But there was no response. Roon stared in his eyes. She didn't blink once.
"... R-Roon...? Hello...?"
"Roon...?? Can you hear me?"
Nero started getting creeped out.
"Uh... Uuhm... I... I have to do something important! I really liked this chat, but I have to go! See you later, Roon!" He walked towards the door. Roon followed his movements with her eyes, she didn't stop looking at him with a slight smile on her face. Nero looked back at her as he walked to the door. He reached for the knob. She didn't stop smiling at him. He opened the door and got out. He then took one last look at her from outside, before closing the door again.
"... That was... Terrifying..." he was shocked.
"I... I'll just... breathe some fresh air..." he got out of the secret passage and out of the dormitory.

Chapter 3.1 end

Roon x Nero (kinda) (no cringy sex ahead)Where stories live. Discover now