Part 11

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Chapter 11

Nero walked out of the german dormitory and then he stopped. His mind was occupied by Roon's unusual reaction: he expected something like <<What? Of course I'm not jealous, why would I be?>> but she didn't answer. At this point, he thought: "Does she actually love me?"
He resumed walking and took a random direction. He wasn't focusing on walking, because he couldn't, and also because he had Roon on his mind.
But suddenly, he had another question: "Do I love her?". He was very unsure about the answer: it's true that he enjoyed his time with Roon, however he still didn't feel completely comfortable around her.
"Hey, you've been walking in circles for some minutes now, are you okay?"
Nero heard those words coming from behind him, but it wasn't a feminine voice. He quickly turned around.
"Commander??" he exclaimed.
"I thought you were dead! Where have you been??"
"I've been working."
"Do you ever go outside your office?"
"Rarely. Heh, when I go out some girls ask me who I am, and it takes them a second to realize I'm the commander."
"... Wow"
"Wow indeed. Well, how's it going with Roon?"
"It's going very well, actually. Even though some minutes ago I embarrassed her, everything's going smoothly between us."
"Good to hear."
"Now, commander, since I have the rare chance to talk to you right now, I'd like to ask you something."
"Go ahead."
"Are you in love with anyone of the girls?"
"... Anyone of them?"
"Oh, no no. I'm in love with them all."
"Ah okay.
Wait, what do you mean? Like, with ALL of them?"
"Uh- Including the destroyers and the submarines..?"
"I said all of them."
"... Shake my hand." said Nero before they shook each other's hand.
"Alright, seriously now: do you love anyone in particular?" Nero asked.
"Alright, I can't say I LOVE one in particular, since I don't have many contacts with the girls." The commander answered.
"So you're telling me that among hundreds of girls you don't talk to ANYONE?"
"Well, the one I talk to the most is my secretary ship. Even though she leaves the great majority of the job to me."
"Do you have any feelings for her? I will NOT believe you if you say no."
"... Weeeeell..."
"I knew it." Nero affirmed with a satisfied smirk. "Come on, say it explicitly, I already know!"
"Okay okay, I love her..."

"Oh, is that so?" Eugen was standing behind the commander, smirking.
"APRIL FOOLS!! HAHAHAHA!" the commander exclaimed after turning around.
"Eugen?? You're the secretary??" Nero was surprised to know that.
"Daniel, today is April 4th." said Eugen.
"LATE April Fools!" he replied.
"Oh please, don't try to deny it, I figured out that you love me a long time ago anyway."
"Well, your gazes made it kind of obvious.." she answered before giggling.
"... What gazes? I have no idea of what you're talking about."
Eugen cleared her throat - "Now that I've teased you, I can do what I came here for; I have potentially alarming news for you, commander."
"Potentially alarming? How alarming are your news?" the commander asked.
"... If my assumption is true, they are very alarming." she answered.
"What are your news then?"
Eugen approached him and whispered something in his ear. Nero couldn't understand what she said; but he could tell that her words were, indeed, alarming, after seeing the commander's worried face.
"Hey, uh, am I allowed to know what are these news about...?" Nero asked.
But he didn't receive any answer. The commander quickly left, followed by Eugen.
Nero was alone now.
"Well... Guess I'll never know." he shrugged and resumed walking. Well, now that I think about it, this fanfiction still hasn't had the cliché pool/beach episode where a girl's swimsuit accidentally comes off and the main character is right in front of said girl by pure chance and he looks away while blushing- Alright, I'll stop. But you're still getting the pool episode anyway.
"Hmm... Now that I think about it, this HQ also has a pool. And since I absolutely HATE the beach, a nice SAND-FREE POOL would be a valid alternative." Nero thought. He decided he would go to the pool, but there was one small complication: he had to go in his room, which was also Roon's room, to take his swimsuit. After reflecting about it, he was finally convinced that nothing wrong would happen if he went in his room. And so he walked to the german dormitory, entered it, approached the 'secret' room and got in.
Roon was laying down on her bed, staring at the ceiling while hugging her pillow, which covered her mouth. She didn't greet him nor looked at him, so Nero decided to ignore her. He opened the drawer of his nightstand and grabbed his swimsuit.
".. Where are you going?" Roon suddenly spoke.
".. Why did you ask me as soon as I grabbed my swimsuit? Are you-"
"Jealous. I'm jealous." she interrupted him. "Where are you going?"
"... I was going to say 'are you worried'"
"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" she asked again, raising her voice enough to scare him.
"... I'm going to the pool. Why are you so interested?"
"... Stay here."
Nero raised an eyebrow. "What..? Why?"
"Just stay."
"I'm not staying until I get a valid reason."
"I told you to stay."
Nero walked to the door with his swimsuit. Roon gripped his arm tightly. He turned his head to her.
"Let me go. I'm not your property, I can do whatever I want."
"I don't care. I won't let you go!" she shouted.
"Oh yeah? Why?? Is it because there's another damn ghost roaming the pool?? Or because you're afraid that I'll fall in love with the first girl I meet??"
Roon didn't let go of him, instead, she tightened her grip.
"JUST LET ME GO, YOU INSANE FREAK!!" Nero pushed Roon away; Roon fell down, letting go of his arm.
She quietly sat on the floor, wearing a surprised face.
"Wait... I acted out of fear... That's not what I wanted to do!" he thought.
"Roon..! I'm very sorry! I didn't mean those words, and I didn't intend to push you away!"
Roon got up and she lay on her bed. She sank her head in her pillow and she didn't say anything else.
"... Roon, please listen to me..!"
"... You told me you'd forgiven me... But I guess you really hadn't in the end..."
"It's not that! I was just... just..." he tried to explain himself, but he stopped.
"Wait... if I tell her that I've done what I've done because of fear... Wouldn't that make her feel worse?" he thought.
"Scared... you were scared." she said.
Nero didn't try to deny her statement. He couldn't come up with any good excuse.
"But it's fine. On the other hand, I'm happier than usual today!" Roon suddenly sat up and looked at him with a smile.
"R-really? How come?"
"Eugen texted me before you came in the room. The texts said that they are coming back! So I finally won't be alone anymore!"
"They..?" Nero confusedly looked at her.
"The sirens, of course!" she explained.
Chapter 11 end

Roon x Nero (kinda) (no cringy sex ahead)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon